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Extension talk:PatchOutput/Flow

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Kghbln (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to get this to work on a category page and have been unsuccessful thus far. I'm using WikiLog on MW 1.16.2 with PHP 5.3.5 and MySQL 5.5.9, and my goal is to hide the display of Namespace:Main Article Name/ before each of the items created in WikiLog. It's actually Blog:News/ that I'm trying to hide by adding the following in the $mTable array:

">Blog:News/" => ">"

Is it just that this hook doesn't work with category pages? I've tried replacing other text and HTML and it has worked just fine. Any help that anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

This post was posted by Kghbln, but signed as Gabem.

RV1971 (talkcontribs)

Sorry for answering very late, I failed to add this page to my watchlist. Do you still have this problem? I have checked that the extension works on Category pages. Did you check that the unpatched html code contains exactly the html sequence ">Blog:News/"?

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