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Extension talk:MsLinks/Archive 2

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Direct Links in MsLinks 5.2

Summary by Sophivorus

Fixed in MsLinks 5.3+

Megajoule (talkcontribs)


The dlink option works backwards in MsLinks versions 5.0, 5.1 & 5.2: clicking on the icon or text leads to the file page and not to the file itself.

Sophivorus (talkcontribs)

Fixed! Thanks for the report, please download the latest version (5.3) and let me know of any issue. Cheers!

Megajoule (talkcontribs)

Checked! Thanks for your quick response. dlink works after updating to 5.3.

Besides, I don't understand why the "Download extension" link on the extension page doesn't link to the version 5.3. You have to use the "Download Git master" link to get it...

Sophivorus (talkcontribs)

Hi, thanks for reporting back! Due to caching, the download link may take a few hours/days to show the latest version.

Not supported in 1.34?

Summary by Sophivorus

Fixed in MsLinks 5.2+

InnerCitadel (talkcontribs)

In my mediawiki 1.34 setup the following is not working. Does it support 1.34?

  • The dlink feature, it does not make the link direct download
  • The functions msl_addButton1 and function msl_addButton2 in file MsLinks.js do not seem to be doing anything.
  • The MsUpload code that is supposed to recognise the presence of MsLinks and change the normal links to MsLinks is not working.
InnerCitadel (talkcontribs)

I'm using a CSS trick instead now using the before pseudo-element, some people might not be aware of this so I'm posting here.

a[href$=".pdf"]::before {
    content: url(...pdf-file.png);
Sophivorus (talkcontribs)

Fixed, please download the latest MsLinks 5.2 and confirm. Thanks for the report!

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