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Extension talk:LookupUser

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Latest comment: 7 years ago by Tuxxic in topic Search for E-Mail-Address

Running under MediaWiki 1.10


According to a chat with the author on IRC, this revision is the latest that will work under MediaWiki 1.10. Jlerner 02:29, 28 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Indeed. The current revision uses wfLoadExtensionMessages which needs 1.11 or newer. I'll change the download link. SPQRobin 09:40, 7 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



I installed this extension under 1.12 and in the Special Page the selection for this extension appears as <lookupuser> Which looks awfully strange...

Any ideas how to correct this?

Thank you in advance!


<lookupuser> shows up when the message MediaWiki:Lookupuser is missing. Make sure you have the file SpecialInterwiki.i18n.php. SPQRobin 12:05, 24 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I do have that file installed in the extensions folder and so forth, but the message still appears as above. Is there a setting in the InterWiki table that has to be activated to make it work?
Thanks in advance! TeraS



This file is a html file...so when I load INDEX on my wiki, the contents of this html shows before the contents on my index page. Should the loopupuser.php file be a php script? Thanks. --Swessels 16:23, 13 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'm seeing the same problem- I follow the instructions (in Mediawiki 1.15.1) and get a lot of code in the page header. Which leaves me a bit stuck! Somerandomnerd 12:58, 26 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Useroptions missing in 1.16


With MW 1.16 the Extension does not show the user options. --DaSch

undefined method?


Fatal error: Call to undefined method User::getOptions() in /home/firefly/public_html/extensions/LookupUser/LookupUser.body.php on line 100

why do i get this? -Cait

You have mismatching versions of MediaWiki and this extension. Download appropriate version of LookupUser from here. Also, if your MediaWiki is older than 1.15.1, you should be aware that we developers recommend to use latest stable release. Max Semenik 06:47, 23 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Ohh thank you so much! I had no idea i was running an old verison of mediawiki o-O Works great now <3 -Cait

I couldn't get this to work on MW1.15.4


I had to change this:

		foreach ( $user->getOption() as $name => $value ) {
			$optionsString .= "$name = $value <br />";

to this:

		$UserOptions = array (
                "language",                "nickname",             "fancysig", 
		"rememberpassword",        "enotifwatchlistpages", "enotifusertalkpages",
		"enotifminoredits",        "enotifrevealaddr",     "quickbar",
		"skin",                    "math",                 "imagesize",
		"thumbsize",               "date",                 "timecorrection",
		"rows",                    "cols",                 "editsection",
		"editsectiononrightclick", "editondblclick",       "editwidth",
		"showtoolbar",             "previewonfirst",       "previewontop",
		"minordefault",            "externaleditor",       "externaldiff",
		"uselivepreview",          "forceeditsummary",     "rcdays",
		"rclimit",                 "hideminor",            "shownumberswatching",
		"usenewrc",                "watchlistdays",        "extendwatchlist",
		"wllimit",                 "watchlisthideown",     "watchlisthidebots",
		"watchlisthideminor",      "watchcreations",       "watchdefault",
		"watchmoves",              "watchdeletion",        "searchlimit",
		"contextlines",            "contextchars",         "ajaxsearch",
		"stubthreshold",           "underline",            "highlightbroken",
		"justify",                 "numberheadings",       "showtoc",
		"nocache",                 "showjumplinks",        "diffonly");
		$UserOptionsFull = array(
			"language" => "Language",
			"nickname" => "Signature",
			"fancysig" => "Use Wiki Markup in signature",
			"rememberpassword"=>"Remember password",
			"enotifwatchlistpages"=>"E-mail when a page on watchlist is changed",
			"enotifusertalkpages"=>"E-mail when user talk page is changed",
			"enotifminoredits"=>"E-mail for minor edits of pages",
			"enotifrevealaddr"=>"Insert e-mail address into wiki e-mails",
			"quickbar"=>"Quickbar (in the skins \"Standard/Classic\" and \"Cologne Blue\")",
			"skin"=>"Skin in use",
			"math"=>"Math option",
			"imagesize"=>"Image size limit on file description pages",
			"thumbsize"=>"Thumbnail size",
			"date"=>"Date format",
			"timecorrection"=>"Time zone adjustment",
			"rows"=>"Rows in edit window",
			"cols"=>"Columns in edit window",
			"editsection"=>"Enable section editing via [edit] links",
			"editsectiononrightclick"=>"Enable section editing by right clicking on section titles",
			"editondblclick"=>"Edit pages on double click",
			"editwidth"=>"Widen the edit box to fill the entire screen",
			"showtoolbar"=>"Show edit toolbar",
			"previewonfirst"=>"Show preview on first edit",
			"previewontop"=>"Show preview before edit box",
			"minordefault"=>"Mark all edits minor by default",
			"externaleditor"=>"Use external editor by default",
			"externaldiff"=>"Use external diff by default",
			"uselivepreview"=>"Use live preview",
			"forceeditsummary"=>"Prompt when entering a blank edit summary",
			"rcdays"=>"Days to show in Recent Changes",
			"rclimit"=>"Number of edits to show in recent changes, page histories, and in logs, by default",
			"hideminor"=>"Hide minor edits in recent changes",
			"shownumberswatching"=>"Show the numbers of users watching a page",
			"usenewrc"=>"Use enhanced recent changes ",
			"watchlistdays"=>"Days to show in watchlist",
			"extendwatchlist"=>"Expand watchlist to show all changes",
			"wllimit"=>"Maximum number of changes to show in expanded watchlist",
			"watchlisthideown"=>"Hide own edits from watchlist",
			"watchlisthidebots"=>"Hide bot edits from watchlist",
			"watchlisthideminor"=>"Hide minor edits from watchlist",
			"watchcreations"=>"Add created pages to watchlist",
			"watchdefault"=>"Add edited pages to watchlist",
			"watchmoves"=>"Add moved pages to watchlist",
			"watchdeletion"=>"Add deleted pages to watchlist",
			"searchlimit"=>"Search hits per page",
			"contextlines"=>"Search lines per hit",
			"contextchars"=>"Search context per line",
			"ajaxsearch"=>"AJAX Search",
			"stubthreshold"=>"Threshold for stub link formatting",
			"underline"=>"Link underlining",
			"highlightbroken"=>"Format broken links [[a_non-existing_link|like this]]",
			"justify"=>"Justify paragraphs",
			"numberheadings"=>"Auto-number headings",
			"showtoc"=>"Show Table of contents",
			"nocache"=>"Disable page caching",
			"showjumplinks"=>"Enable \"jump to\" accessibility links",
			"diffonly"=>"Do not show page content below diffs"

		$optionsString = '';
		foreach ( $UserOptions as $value ) {
			$val_option = $user->getOption($value);
			$option_name = $UserOptionsFull[$value];
	                $optionsString .= "$option_name (\"$value\") = $val_option <br />";

This gives the following output:

Perhaps this could be added to the next release of this extension? -- PhantomSteve/talk|contribs\ 00:42, 24 June 2010 (UTC)Reply



Is this extension used anywhere within the WMF scope? If the answer is positive, I'd like to know who has access to it and which policies they're bound by. 17:06, 28 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

No. Everything used on WMF has {{OnWikimedia }} on its desc page. Max Semenik 17:36, 28 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Search for E-Mail-Address


Works great, but it would be even better if you could search for e-mail addresses, not only usernames. Sometimes the username is not known and I want so search whether a user for a certain e-mail address already exists. Any plans on implementing someting like this?

If you're a sysadmin, you can look up user email addresses in the databases in version 1.17. After this, there seems to be a problem where you can't. Using this method you can look at all the email addresses used by users. ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector (Talk) (Contr) 16:52, 27 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

I agree with OP : searching for an email address directly will be really interesting. I open a ticket in Phabricator. Tuxxic (talk) 15:27, 8 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Permission error


As an admin and bureaucrat I type in Special:LookupUser


Permission error
You do not have permission to <action-lookupuser>, for the following reason:
You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.

Product Version:

MediaWiki 1.19.24

PHP 5.3.29 (cgi-fcgi)

MySQL 5.5.45-cll-lve

Extension version 1.19 and 1.25. Tried both

Headtransplant (talk) 01:48, 29 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Looks like you need to be in the lookupuser group to be able to do that. Use Special:UserRights to give it yourself. Max Semenik (talk) 05:17, 29 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
hmm...that option is not available on Special:UserRights.... 18:10, 12 November 2015 (UTC)