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Extension talk:ListRedLinks

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From mediawiki.org

HiĀ ! It's working but when we go to "Special:WhatLinksHere" to show pages who get the link, the NAMESPACE is not available so we didn't find any page (only in the main namespace). So this application is useless to my use. Maybe addĀ : SELECT page_namespace, page_title FROM '.$dbr->tableName('page'). But i don't know how to add and display namespaces. Could you help meĀ ? 24/11/14 14:03

      HiĀ ! it's me again. Apparently Special:Wantedpages ou SpĆ©cial:Pages_demandĆ©es is working great. Bye.

recently enhanced the extension in these aspects


Sorry I don't know if it's appropriate for me to change your code - but this extension looks a little bit dormant.

I have recently enhanced the extension in these aspects:

  1. Support table prefixes (which is pretty common)
  2. Shows distinct results only (not much point to repeat itself for 3 times)
  3. Shows how many pages linked to that RedLink, and clicking on it links to Special:WhatLinksHere directly
  4. Put the Red Link special page in the "Pages" section

Please accept my apology if I have make you mad by changing your code - revert my changes if you find it necessary.

Thank you very much for creating this elegant little extension! Definitely helps small wikis to get setup quickly!


>>>>12/2/2011 Hi, I tried installing this but had some trouble.

I've got the various php files set up and updated localsettings. It seems to be initiating ok, and created the Special:ListRedLinks page, but the SQL queries in the ListRedLinks_body.php file seem to be having issues.

I get an error to the effect of

"Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result"


"Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result"

This is using mediawiki 1.16

Any thoughts on how I might fix this (I'm not much of an SQL expert as you can probably tell.

>>>>>10/2/2012 I had the same problem and could solve it by change this line

$query1="SELECT DISTINCT pl_title , COUNT(*) as pl_title_count FROM {$wgDBprefix}pagelinks WHERE" . "pl_title NOT IN ( SELECT page_title FROM {$wgDBprefix}page ) GROUP BY pl_title ORDER BY pl_title";

to this version:

$query1="SELECT DISTINCT pl_title , COUNT(*) as pl_title_count FROM {$wgDBprefix}pagelinks WHERE pl_title NOT IN ( SELECT page_title FROM {$wgDBprefix}page ) GROUP BY pl_title ORDER BY pl_title";

I just revomed "." between WHERE and pl_title in ListRedLinks_body.php.
For me it now works on mediawiki 1.18.