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Extension talk:LaunchExternal

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From mediawiki.org
Latest comment: 14 years ago by Tisane in topic split() deprecated

Thank you


I'm sure this is useful.

Very useful but doesn't work on mozilla v. thank you.

Great extension!

Works great on our intranet wiki.

I have a request, is possible to add code to render the color of the link to another color? This will help my users visually see what is local and what is not.

Thanks raudelh@tgce.com

split() deprecated


Evidently, function split() is deprecated. What would be a good replacement? Tisane 23:30, 11 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Patches for MW1.21.2


split() is deprecated from PHP5.3 on, see http://de2.php.net/manual/en/function.split.php and http://de2.php.net/manual/de/function.preg-split.php.

global $wgAddServerName_EXT;

$arrInput = split("::",$input); // use a different display then the file reference...

is changed to

global $wgAddServerName_EXT;

$arrInput = preg_split("::",$input); // use a different display then the file reference...

Image::newFromName() does not exist anymore, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11769115/how-to-get-image-in-mediawiki-extension and https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/html/classFile.html

// wiki uploaded media or image reference
$img = Image::newFromName( $reference );
if($img ->exists() )

needs to be changed to

// wiki uploaded media or image reference
$img = newFromName( $reference );
if( $img && $img->exists() )



Hello, I made some changes in your code :

<       $arrInput = split("::",$input); // use a different display then the file reference...
>       #modified separator of link: using "|" (JPA)
>       $arrInput = explode("|",$input,2);      // use a different display then the file reference...
>       $href = str_replace("'","%27",$reference);
<         return  "<a href='" . $reference . "' target='new'>" . ($display == "" ? $reference : $display) . "$server</a>";
>         return  "<a href='" . $href . "' target='new'>" . ($display == "" ? $reference : $display) . "$server</a>";

The first modification use explode instead of split, and pipe as separator (which is more conform to mediawiki style) The second replace apostrophe by urlencode character, otherwise a link with an apostroph causes a syntax error.

JP Ayanidès, 2010-03-15

Add to Custom Buttons



Works great!

But I can´t add it to my custom buttuns:

var button = {
	"imageFile": "images/buttons/extbutton.jpg", // image to be shown on the button (may be a full URL too), 22x22 pixels
	"speedTip": "open external", // text shown in a tooltip when hovering the mouse over the button
	"tagOpen": "<ext>", // the text to use to mark the beginning of the block
	"tagClose": "</ext>",      // the text to use to mark the end of the block (if any)
	"sampleText": "file:\\Server\Path\file(opt.)"  // the sample text to place inside the block

When adding this to Common.js, the page fails with Error 500.

The Problem is the tagOpen and TagClose part.

I need to put the last part of the tagOpent to the sample text.

"tagOpen": "<ex", // the text to use to mark the beginning of the block
"tagClose": "</ext>",      // the text to use to mark the end of the block (if any)
"sampleText": "t>file:\\\\Server\\Path\\file(opt.)"

I have a small issue: although <ext> and </ext> work perfectly, there is a problem with masking long URL's (like certain PHP get commands we use). Is there a way to "mask" the URL into something nice? I have tried the HTML <a href=> but that does not work. Vadra, Dec 6th 2010

Using LaunchExternal in a Templates


When using this extension in a template, the parameter is not parsed (see Manual:Tag_extensions#Extensions_and_Templates).

I've modified this to work :

function launchExternal ( $input, array $args, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ) {
	global $wgServer;
	global $wgAddServerName_EXT;
	$input= $parser->recursiveTagParse( $input, $frame );

newFromName Stopped working


I have changed Image::newFromName to newFromName. It still gives me error. I am using MediaWiki 1.25.1 Fatal error: Call to undefined function newFromName() in /opt/lampp/apps/media