Extension talk:LaunchExternal

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Tisane in topic split() deprecated

Thank you[edit]

I'm sure this is useful.

Very useful but doesn't work on mozilla v. thank you.

Great extension!

Works great on our intranet wiki.

I have a request, is possible to add code to render the color of the link to another color? This will help my users visually see what is local and what is not.

Thanks raudelh@tgce.com

split() deprecated[edit]

Evidently, function split() is deprecated. What would be a good replacement? Tisane 23:30, 11 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Patches for MW1.21.2[edit]

split() is deprecated from PHP5.3 on, see http://de2.php.net/manual/en/function.split.php and http://de2.php.net/manual/de/function.preg-split.php.

global $wgAddServerName_EXT;

$arrInput = split("::",$input); // use a different display then the file reference...

is changed to

global $wgAddServerName_EXT;

$arrInput = preg_split("::",$input); // use a different display then the file reference...

Image::newFromName() does not exist anymore, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11769115/how-to-get-image-in-mediawiki-extension and https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/html/classFile.html

// wiki uploaded media or image reference
$img = Image::newFromName( $reference );
if($img ->exists() )

needs to be changed to

// wiki uploaded media or image reference
$img = newFromName( $reference );
if( $img && $img->exists() )


Hello, I made some changes in your code :

<       $arrInput = split("::",$input); // use a different display then the file reference...
>       #modified separator of link: using "|" (JPA)
>       $arrInput = explode("|",$input,2);      // use a different display then the file reference...
>       $href = str_replace("'","%27",$reference);
<         return  "<a href='" . $reference . "' target='new'>" . ($display == "" ? $reference : $display) . "$server</a>";
>         return  "<a href='" . $href . "' target='new'>" . ($display == "" ? $reference : $display) . "$server</a>";

The first modification use explode instead of split, and pipe as separator (which is more conform to mediawiki style) The second replace apostrophe by urlencode character, otherwise a link with an apostroph causes a syntax error.

JP Ayanidès, 2010-03-15

Add to Custom Buttons[edit]


Works great!

But I can´t add it to my custom buttuns:

var button = {
	"imageFile": "images/buttons/extbutton.jpg", // image to be shown on the button (may be a full URL too), 22x22 pixels
	"speedTip": "open external", // text shown in a tooltip when hovering the mouse over the button
	"tagOpen": "<ext>", // the text to use to mark the beginning of the block
	"tagClose": "</ext>",      // the text to use to mark the end of the block (if any)
	"sampleText": "file:\\Server\Path\file(opt.)"  // the sample text to place inside the block

When adding this to Common.js, the page fails with Error 500.

The Problem is the tagOpen and TagClose part.

I need to put the last part of the tagOpent to the sample text.

"tagOpen": "<ex", // the text to use to mark the beginning of the block
"tagClose": "</ext>",      // the text to use to mark the end of the block (if any)
"sampleText": "t>file:\\\\Server\\Path\\file(opt.)"

Link hiding[edit]

I have a small issue: although <ext> and </ext> work perfectly, there is a problem with masking long URL's (like certain PHP get commands we use). Is there a way to "mask" the URL into something nice? I have tried the HTML <a href=> but that does not work. Vadra, Dec 6th 2010

Using LaunchExternal in a Templates[edit]

When using this extension in a template, the parameter is not parsed (see Manual:Tag_extensions#Extensions_and_Templates).

I've modified this to work :

function launchExternal ( $input, array $args, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ) {
	global $wgServer;
	global $wgAddServerName_EXT;
	$input= $parser->recursiveTagParse( $input, $frame );

newFromName Stopped working[edit]

I have changed Image::newFromName to newFromName. It still gives me error. I am using MediaWiki 1.25.1 Fatal error: Call to undefined function newFromName() in /opt/lampp/apps/media