Extension talk:ImportUsers/Remastering MW1-19
Add topic Note: The notify per e-mail feature does no longer work for recent versions of MediaWiki. MW 1.23 probably 1.22, too.
All credits go to Jpond as well as the original authors of this extension. Many thanks to them!
There are four files in the original extension. I downloaded them manually from the SVN checkout-url. The files 'ImportUser_body.php' and 'ImportUsers.i18n.php' will need to be changed.
Sorry for the messy code! This is my very first encounter with PHP and I was insecure about what goes together and why not, especially when it comes to those dots everywhere. I learned quite a few things while tinkering; among them that I hate the complexity that HTML+PHP induce. :)
This is a slightly updated version allowing to add a user to multiple groups which is what I need for my purposes.
[edit]Change lines 11-35, containing the array '$messages['en']' by adding five lines, high-lighted in the following code.
/** English */
$messages['en'] = array(
'importusers' => 'Import users',
'importusers-desc' => '[[Special:ImportUsers|Imports users]] in bulk from a CSV file; encoding: UTF-8',
'importusers-uploadfile' => 'Upload file',
'importusers-form-caption' => 'Input CSV-file (UTF-8):',
'importusers-form-file' => 'User file format (CSV):',
'importusers-form-replace-present' => 'Replace existing users',
# Added by Jack D. pond
'importusers_form_send_email' => 'Send Email to Users' ,
'importusers_form_add_to_group' => 'Add users to groups (must have userrights)' ,
# End Add
'importusers-form-button' => 'Import',
'importusers-user-added' => "User '''$1''' has been added.",
'importusers-user-present-update' => "User '''$1''' already exists.
'importusers-user-present-not-update' => "User '''$1''' already exists.
Did not update.",
'importusers-user-invalid-format' => 'User data in the line #$1 has invalid format or is blank.
# Jack D. Pond added next line for invalid email notification
'importusers_user_invalid_email' => 'User data in the line #%s has invalid email or is blank. Skipped.' ,
'importusers-log' => 'Import users log',
'importusers-log-summary' => 'Summary',
'importusers-log-summary-all' => 'All: $1',
'importusers-log-summary-added' => 'Added: $1',
'importusers-log-summary-updated' => 'Updated: $1',
# Jack D. Pond added next 2 lines for email notification counts
'importusers_log_summary_email_sent' => 'Email Notifications Sent' ,
'importusers_log_summary_email_failed' => 'Email Notifications Failed' ,
'importusers-login-name' => 'Login name',
'importusers-password' => 'password',
'importusers-email' => 'e-mail',
'importusers-realname' => 'real name',
'right-import_users' => 'Import users in bulk',
Most likely the changes could all be grouped into one place but since I do not have much of an idea about PHP in general, I will just keep it as is.
[edit]Replace the file by the code below or adapt it accordingly.
class SpecialImportUsers extends SpecialPage {
* Constructor -- set up the new special page
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct( 'ImportUsers', 'import_users' );
* Show the special page
* @param $par Mixed: parameter passed to the special page or null
public function execute( $par ) {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'import_users' ) ) {
$wgOut->permissionRequired( 'import_users' );
if ( isset( $_FILES['users_file'] ) ) {
$wgOut->addHTML( $this->analyzeUsers( $_FILES['users_file'], isset( $_POST['replace_present'] ), isset( $_POST['importusers_send_email'] ), isset( $_POST['importusers_add_to_group'] ) ) );
##sm: changed function call (two additional parameters)
} else {
$wgOut->addHTML( $this->makeForm() );
function makeForm() {
global $wgLang;
$titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ImportUsers' );
$action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL();
$fileFormat = $wgLang->commaList( array(
wfMsg( 'importusers-login-name' ),
wfMsg( 'importusers-password' ),
wfMsg( 'importusers-email' ),
wfMsg( 'importusers-realname' )
) );
$output = '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="' . $action . '">';
$output .= '<dl><dt>' . wfMsg( 'importusers-form-file' ) . '</dt><dd>' . $fileFormat . '.</dd></dl>';
$output .= '<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg( 'importusers-uploadfile' ) . '</legend>';
$output .= '<table border="0" a-valign="center" width="100%">';
$output .= '<tr><td align="right" width="160">' . wfMsg( 'importusers-form-caption' ) .
' </td><td><input name="users_file" type="file" size=40 /></td></tr>';
## $output .= '<tr><td align="right"></td><td><input name="replace_present" type="checkbox" />' .
## wfMsg( 'importusers-form-replace-present' ) . '</td></tr>';
# Jack D. Pond changed line to add send email and ask if add user to groups (if in file)
##sm: split $output .= '<tr><td align=right></td><td><input name="replace_present" type="checkbox" />' .
## table wfMsg( 'importusers-form-replace-present' ).'<input name="importusers_send_email" type="checkbox" />' .
## rows wfMsg( 'importusers_form_send_email' ).'</td></tr>';
$output .= '<tr><td align=right></td><td><input name="replace_present" type="checkbox" />' .
wfMsg( 'importusers-form-replace-present' ).'</td></tr>';
$output .= '<tr><td align=right></td><td><input name="importusers_send_email" type="checkbox" />' .
wfMsg( 'importusers_form_send_email' ).'</td></tr>';
##sm: corrected name
$output .= '<tr><td align=right></td><td><input name="importusers_add_to_group" type="checkbox" />' .
wfMsg( 'importusers_form_add_to_group' ).'</td></tr>';
##sm: corrected name
# End change
$output .= '<tr><td align="right"></td><td><input type="submit" value="' . wfMsg( 'importusers-form-button' ) . '" /></td></tr>';
$output .= '</table>';
$output .= '</fieldset>';
$output .= '</form>';
return $output;
function analyzeUsers( $fileinfo, $replace_present, $importusers_send_email, $importusers_add_to_group ) {
##sm: changed function signature (two additional parameters)
global $wgEmailAuthentication ;
# Jack D. Pond added global $wgEmailAuthentication
## $summary=array('all'=>0,'added'=>0,'updated'=>0);
# $summary = array(
# 'all' => 0,
# 'added' => 0,
# 'updated' => 0
# );
# Jack D. Pond added email_sent and email_failed counters to array
$filedata = explode( "\n", rtrim( file_get_contents( $fileinfo['tmp_name'] ) ) );
$output = '<h2>' . wfMsg( 'importusers-log' ) . '</h2>';
foreach ( $filedata as $line => $newuserstr ) {
$newuserarray = explode( ',', trim( $newuserstr ) );
if ( count( $newuserarray ) < 2 ) {
$output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-user-invalid-format', $line + 1 ) . '<br />';
if ( !isset( $newuserarray[2] ) ) {
$newuserarray[2] = '';
if ( !isset( $newuserarray[3] ) ) {
$newuserarray[3] = '';
$nextUser = User::newFromName( $newuserarray[0] );
$nextUser->setEmail( $newuserarray[2] );
$nextUser->setRealName( $newuserarray[3] );
$uid = $nextUser->idForName();
if ( $uid === 0 ) {
$nextUser->setPassword( $newuserarray[1] );
# Added line to import user group assignment too
# Extended by Jack D. Pond to send email notifications to users (if enabled)
if( $wgEmailAuthentication && $importusers_send_email && User::isValidEmailAddr( $nextUser->getEmail() ) )
global $wgOut;
$error = $nextUser->sendConfirmationMail();
# May want to delete here to end of extend if not using email addresses in import
if( WikiError::isError( $error ) )
$output.=sprintf(wfMsg( 'importusers_user_invalid_email' ) ,$line+1 ).'<br />';
} else
# End Extend
$output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-user-added', $newuserarray[0] ) . '<br />';
} else {
if ( $replace_present ) {
$nextUser->setPassword( $newuserarray[1] );
# Added line to import user group assignment too
$output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-user-present-update', $newuserarray[0] ).'<br />';
} else {
##sm: fix typo in original code $output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-user-present-no-update', $newuserarray[0] ) . '<br />';
$output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-user-present-not-update', $newuserarray[0] ) . '<br />';
$output .= '<b>' . wfMsg( 'importusers-log-summary' ) . '</b><br />';
$output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-log-summary-all', $summary['all'] ) . '<br />';
$output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-log-summary-added', $summary['added'] ) . '<br />';
$output .= wfMsg( 'importusers-log-summary-updated', $summary['updated'] ) . '<br />';
##sm: line break added
# Extended by Jack D. Pond to inform importer if any email addresses didn't check out
$output.=wfMsg( 'importusers_log_summary_email_sent' ).': '.$summary['email_sent'].'<br />';
$output.=wfMsg( 'importusers_log_summary_email_failed' ).': '.$summary['email_failed'];
# Extension end
return $output;
# Extension by Jack D. Pond that adds imported user to the group in the last parameter in the line (4)
# under the following conditions:
# Logged on user importing must have 'userrights'
# The user must have checked the "Add users to groups" box
# The CSV line must have a group to add to(e.g. approved)
# The permission requested must be one of the available groups - does not create a new group
# The user has not already been assigned to that group
function AddToGroup($u,$user_array,$add_to_group_checked){
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'userrights' ) && $add_to_group_checked && IsSet($user_array[4])) {
for( $i = 4 ; $i < sizeof( $user_array) ; $i++) {
#sm: added loop over array-size for multiple groups
if ( in_array($user_array[ $i],User::getAllGroups())){
if ( !in_array($user_array[ $i],$u->getGroups())){
$u->addGroup( $user_array[ $i] );