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Extension talk:GoogleRichCards/Flow

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Changing status from Beta to Unmaintained

ValerioBoz-WMCH (talkcontribs)

First of all, thanks for this extension :)

I noticed that this extension does not support MediaWiki version 1.39:

Error: Call to undefined method Title::getEarliestRevTime()
from w/extensions/GoogleRichCards/Article.php(82)
#0 w/extensions/GoogleRichCards/Article.php(132): MediaWiki\Extension\GoogleRichCards\Article->getCTime()


Because of this, I'm inclined to flag this from Beta to Unmaintained.

Giving more visibility to this problem may encourage newcomers to propose fresh pull requests to fix compatibility. But that is, at the moment, the current version causes that exception.

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PageImages Extension

Xsteeplol (talkcontribs)

Hi, I don't know if this extension is still maintained, but I try ;)

I would like to know if there is a way or if someone has tried to integrate this extension, with the PageImages extension, so that in the "url" tag of "images" there may be the url of the image of the photo selected by the PageImages extension.


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It is impossible to validate

Edmundopg (talkcontribs)

Hello, excelent extension, congratulations.

I have tried to validate this on Google Search Console, look this page: https://tolkiendili.com/wiki/Aragorn

The schema appear to be right, but button of validate is not avaible.


IgorShishkin (talkcontribs)
Reply to "It is impossible to validate"
Dariomarcelino (talkcontribs)

So far all pages I've tested in Google Structured Testing Tool are looking good, thanks!

One tiny suggestion, Google seems to be picky about images sizes, it seems to prefer images wider than 600px. Perhaps GoogleRichCards could give preference to images that meet this condition? This could be something set in a preference to not break current behaviour.

Anyway, great extension!

IgorShishkin (talkcontribs)

That's probably an idea about wider images, I'll will check if that would be easy to implement.

Thanks! :)

Reply to "Thanks!"
Tolvic (talkcontribs)

Is it possible to have the markup appear on category pages?

IgorShishkin (talkcontribs)

Technically it looks like yes, but it's not supported for now in the extension.

Reply to "Category Pages"
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