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Extension talk:GoogleCodePrettify/Flow

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Previous page history was archived for backup purposes at Extension talk:GoogleCodePrettify/LQT Archive 1 on 2015-07-10.
LeeChrisMiller (talkcontribs)

Been struggling to output PHP in a wiki page with no luck tried this in the hope it'd work, it doesn't, but it still displays coloured code, amazing after so many years of inactivity.

Tr1ageNYC (talkcontribs)

Does it have line #s?

Reply to "Amazing"

Seems to stop wikieditor tool bar working

Selspiero (talkcontribs)

Hi! have installed this extension as having issues with syntax highlighter - but it seems that if this extension is enabled, the wikieditor toolbar does not show?

Reply to "Seems to stop wikieditor tool bar working"
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