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Extension talk:FacebookLikeButton/Flow

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how to get the most likes on an article

Anyhowputx (talkcontribs)

Hi all

I am trying to get the most popular article based on the number of likes. The article with the most number of like will be displayed in the "Top Article" Page. I've already implemented this extension but am not sure what to do next. Anyone can point me to the correct direction? I've been struggling for days. :/ Thank you so much!

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Add your own picture and discription into the Facebook-Like

1 (talkcontribs)

I installed the extension, but when i like my page I got the "Powered by MediaWiki"-Logo on my Facebookaccount. I want to change this into a different picture. How can I do it? That "Powered by MediaWiki"-Logo sucks. And I also want to set a own description into the like. Is there something I can do?

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Mitchelln (talkcontribs)


I've installed this on MW 1.17.4. I put <facelikebutton style="2" showsend="0"></facelikebutton> into the page, but no button shows. Any ideas? Not compatible with MW 1.17+ perhaps? No errors are shown.


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How do i get this to stop showing Faces and other likers?

2 (talkcontribs)

its damned annoying -.-

Stampstudy (talkcontribs)

I would also like to remove faces and other likers.

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Redirect to Login-Page!

1 (talkcontribs)

Whenever i try to implement this to a site my page is trying to redirect me to the loginpage. is it possible, that this might not be useable with the facebook-login-plugin?

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