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Extension talk:External Content

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mailto: and tel: links broken?

Dabardz (talkcontribs)

The external content I'm using contains mailto: and tel: links. It looks fine in markdown but comes out in the wiki with the original url prefixed.

For example; The content on example.com contains the link mailto:john.smith@example.com but in the wiki the link has become example.com/mailto:john.smith@example.com

Is there a workaround for this or is there development planned to adress this?

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How do you install without Composer?

2 (talkcontribs)

doing a standard install by adding to extensions directory and updating the localsettings.php shows as successfully installed but throws errors when you try to add the {{#embed: ... to a page

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

This is not possible. You need Composer somewhere.

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