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DataValues problem with Maps

EFFemeer (talkcontribs)

I'm getting this

Fatal error: Class 'DataValues\Geo\Parsers\GeoCoordinateParser' not found in /www/htdocs/drebbel/wiki/extensions/Maps/includes/Geocoders.php on line 131

on maps that used to work properly.

Can the DataValues extension help me out? And if so, where should I install it?

Thanks in advance.

Product Version

MediaWiki 1.26.0

PHP 5.3.29 (apache2handler)

MySQL 5.0.95

Semantic Bundle 1.9.2

Semantic Forms 2.8

Semantic Forms Inputs 0.9.0 alpha

Semantic Maps 3.2 

Semantic MediaWiki 2.3

Kghbln (talkcontribs)
Reply to "DataValues problem with Maps"
Leucosticte (talkcontribs)

Can someone explain the usage in more detail? Is there an example of how it's used on Wikipedia, for instance? Thanks.

Jeroen De Dauw (talkcontribs)

This is a PHP and JS library used by the Wikibase software (which powers the Wikidata project). The library does not expose user visible functionality on its own.

Reply to "Usage"

Internationalization section

Leucosticte (talkcontribs)

Do we really need that internationalization section? It seems like that information could apply to most extensions used by WMF wikis.

Reply to "Internationalization section" (talkcontribs)

hi please fix an issue with datavalues because when I updated datavalues today it mwouldent work that well with wikibase meaning when I went on one of my item it would load up and then would have a circle at the top showing it is loading and then when I click edit it would go to a special page instead of letting me edit it in the item please fix issue (talkcontribs)

The problem is with value view please fix the issue

Jeroen De Dauw (talkcontribs)

Please file a bug report on Bugzilla with steps to reproduce and an understandable description of the problem. For instance, how do you figure the issue you are encountering is related to ValueView? (talkcontribs)

well i installed the version before you realesed wmf 11 and when i installed all the other new version but i dint install the version of valueview

Reply to "datavalues"

Please make a snapshot

1 (talkcontribs)

Hi could someone please make a snapshot of the extension and add it to the extension download please

Reply to "Please make a snapshot"
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