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Extension talk:CreateWiki/Flow

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If you need help with CreateWiki, you'll need to ask at #mirahezeconnect or Miraheze Phabricator. CreateWiki developers do not offer help on MediaWiki.org.

Developer's Setup Guide?

Lens0021 (talkcontribs)

Hi, I am looking for how to set up a developer environment for ManageWiki, but sadly, it depends on CreateWiki and I couldn't find the developer guide for neither.

Is there any guide for developer? I am using mwcli.

Lens0021 (talkcontribs)

My attempts until now:

The execution of install.php was successful, but I failed to run update.php:

[c9317277f222d48e00cec03c] [no req]   Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading or after adding a new extension?

Please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Upgrading and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:How_to_debug for more information.

Error 1046: No database selected (mysql)
Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::select
Query: SELECT  wiki_dbcluster,wiki_dbname,wiki_deleted,wiki_url,wiki_sitename  FROM `cw_wikis`     

from /var/www/html/w/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(1809)
#6 /var/www/html/w/extensions/CreateWiki/includes/CreateWikiJson.php(73): Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->select(string, array)
#7 /var/www/html/w/extensions/CreateWiki/includes/CreateWikiJson.php(61): CreateWikiJson->generateDatabaseList()
#8 /var/www/html/w/extensions/CreateWiki/includes/CreateWikiHooks.php(114): CreateWikiJson->update()
#9 /var/www/html/w/includes/HookContainer/HookContainer.php(338): CreateWikiHooks::onSetupAfterCache()

Then, I tried to use globals.php which is for the workflow of CI by append require_once "$IP/extensions/CreateWiki/.github/workflows/globals.php"; to LocalSettings.php, but it still failed:

Error 1146: Table 'default.cw_wikis' doesn't exist (mysql)
Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::select
Query: SELECT  wiki_dbcluster,wiki_dbname,wiki_deleted,wiki_url,wiki_sitename  FROM `cw_wikis`     
from /var/www/html/w/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(1809)
#6 /var/www/html/w/extensions/CreateWiki/includes/CreateWikiJson.php(73): Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->select(string, array)
#7 /var/www/html/w/extensions/CreateWiki/includes/CreateWikiJson.php(61): CreateWikiJson->generateDatabaseList()
#8 /var/www/html/w/extensions/CreateWiki/includes/CreateWikiHooks.php(114): CreateWikiJson->update()
#9 /var/www/html/w/includes/HookContainer/HookContainer.php(338): CreateWikiHooks::onSetupAfterCache()

I tried combining removing SetupAfterCacheHook with changing MW_DB for mwcli to wikidb. But the run of the update script was failed: (Reference: Cli/ref/mw_docker_mediawiki_exec#Examples)

$ mwdev dev mw exec -- MW_DB=wikidb php maintenance/update.php --quick
Is your database running and wiki database created / installed?
$ mwdev dev mw exec -- MW_DB=wikidb php maintenance/update.php --dbname=wikidb --quick
Is your database running and wiki database created / installed?

It seems to be an issue of mwcli, though.

Lens0021 (talkcontribs)

OK, here is the description of my successful, hacky way to set up CreateWiki as just a dependency of ManageWiki:

  1. Install and setup mwcli (I am using a development version, v0.8.1-7-g69d1c06)
  2. Clone CreateWiki to ${MEDIAWIKI_VOLUMES_CODE}/extensions/CreateWiki
  3. Create MySQL instance and Install vanilla MediaWiki by executing mwdev dev mysql create && mwdev dev mw create && mwdev dev mw install --dbtype mysql
  4. Append wfLoadExtension( 'CreateWiki' ); and $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['createwiki'] = true; to your LocalSettings.php which is auto-generated in the previous step.
  5. Append require_once "$IP/extensions/CreateWiki/.github/workflows/globals.php"; too.
  6. Modify globals.php (see below)
  7. Remove SetupAfterCacheHook from extensions/CreateWiki/extension.json
  8. Run mwdev dev mw exec -- php maintenance/update.php --quick
  9. Restore SetupAfterCacheHook.
  10. Run again mwdev dev mw exec -- php maintenance/update.php --quick
Modified version of globals.php

define( 'MW_DB', 'default' );

require_once "$IP/extensions/CreateWiki/includes/WikiInitialise.php";
$wi = new WikiInitialise();

		'default.mediawiki.mwdd.localhost' => ''

$wi->config->settings += [
	'cwClosed' => [
		'default' => false,
	'cwInactive' => [
		'default' => false,
	'cwPrivate' => [
		'default' => false,
	'cwExperimental' => [
		'default' => false,

$wgCreateWikiGlobalWiki = MW_DB;
$wgCreateWikiDatabase = MW_DB;
$wgCreateWikiCacheDirectory = $wgCacheDirectory;

$wgHooks['MediaWikiServices'][] = 'wfOnMediaWikiServices';

function wfOnMediaWikiServices( MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices $services ) {
	global $wgServer;
	try {
		$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY );

				'wiki_dbname' => 'default',
				'wiki_dbcluster' => 'c1',
				'wiki_sitename' => 'TestWiki',
				'wiki_language' => 'en',
				'wiki_private' => (int)0,
				'wiki_creation' => $dbw->timestamp(),
				'wiki_category' => 'uncategorised',
				'wiki_closed' => (int)0,
				'wiki_deleted' => (int)0,
				'wiki_locked' => (int)0,
				'wiki_inactive' => (int)0,
				'wiki_inactive_exempt' => (int)0,
				'wiki_url' => 'http://default.mediawiki.mwdd.localhost:80',
	} catch ( Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError $e ) {

$wi->config->extractAllGlobals( $wi->dbname );
$wgConf = $wi->config; (talkcontribs)

have you managed to make this work? are there some required settings?

right after installation i got

Error 1046: No database selected

Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::select

Query: SELECT wiki_dbcluster,wiki_dbname,wiki_deleted,wiki_url,wiki_sitename FROM `cw_wikis`

after adding $wgCreateWikiDatabase = $wgDBname; to configuration file, I get a different error

MWException: Wiki 'db_wiki' can not be found.

this is literally a database with cw_ tables

am I missing something?

Lens0021 (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Developer's Setup Guide?"
Msnhinet8 (talkcontribs)

Hi, I use this form but it view DBQueryErro

Can you help me?

Sfkj (talkcontribs)

I have the same problem. Who knows how to solve?

Lens0021 (talkcontribs)

Setting $wgCreateWikiDatabase and $wgCreateWikiCacheDirectory = $wgCacheDirectory; works for me.

Didn't. Sorry.

Reply to "DBQueryErro"

You do not have permission to create wikis, for the following reason: You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.

1 (talkcontribs)

When i installed the addon, when i try to create a sub-wiki it gives me "You do not have permission to create wikis, for the following reason: You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested." PLEASE HELP ME FIX THE ERROR, I AM USING A BURAUCRATIC ACCOUNT AND STILL GIVES ME THE ERROR

Reply to "You do not have permission to create wikis, for the following reason: You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested."
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