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Can't embed a template on the contact page


I can't embed a template like this: {{Page}}. All that appears is "7". --Holygamer (talk) 09:17, 23 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Disable Captcha on Contact Form for registered users


How do I do that?

Sender Name


I don't get a sender's name in the emails I recieve from this contact form. I've tested it myself, making sure to put a name in the form. Is there something else I need to configure to make this part of it work? Otherwise very nice extension. Thankyou--Rovo 20:07, 16 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hm... the sender name is only used when the sender also supplies an email address (then it is shown in the reply-to header of the mail). That's kind of silly, i guess. it should also be present in the subject line. I'll fix that, thanks for the hint. -- Duesentrieb 21:37, 16 February 2007 (UTC)Reply
Fixed in revision 19973. -- Duesentrieb 22:21, 16 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

are you thinking about extending this? maybe different additional fields as option, or spam prevention? btw for me, the "send copy to me" does not work. But great extension so far, I am using it on two wikis and it works good so far ;-)

I have thought about additional fields, but that makes things complicated - translatable labels, limits on field input, selection boxes, etc... For spam prevention, I am planning to use Captcha-functions of the ConfirmEdit extension - but i havn't figured out how to do that yet.
Anyway, "send me a copy" should work... i'll check it again. -- Duesentrieb 00:46, 19 February 2007 (UTC)Reply
"send me a copy" works for me. check your logs for errors - and look in your junk mail :P -- Duesentrieb 11:52, 20 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Not working on 1.10.1


I am using MW 1.10.1 and the mainpage shows up blank. Are you planning to release it for 1.10.1 too ?

Should work find with 1.10.1 - enabled error reporting and check the error logs. -- Duesentrieb 20:25, 6 August 2007 (UTC)Reply



updated to latest version and now I get this:

Warning: require_once(./extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/web15/html/LocalSettings.php on line 161

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage.php' (include_path='.:/var/www/web15/html:/var/www/web15/html/includes:/var/www/web15/html/languages') in /var/www/web15/html/LocalSettings.php on line 161

using latest mediawiki, html is my mediawiki folder. i have no idea what the script wants form the languages folder.

It wants nothing from the languages folder, that's just part of the include path. The actual error is "Failed opening required './extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage.php'" which indicates a problem with file permissions. Make sure PHP is able to read the files and directory of the ContactPage extension. -- Duesentrieb 12:21, 25 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

after quadruple-checking, I finally noticed (why do I always work late nights) that the ContactPage folder itself didn't have X permissions. so now it works. Thanks a bunch. really like this extension. thanks (spaghetti-western.net)



the email I receive, only gives me the values I set in the localsettings.php file. But that makes it impossible to easily reply to the messages I get from visitors, because when I click "reply" in my email program, it creates a reply to, for example admin@mysite.com, and not the email address supplied by the visitor.

HOW DO I: a) make sure the visitor has to enter ALL fields and b) have his email address in the FROM field of the email I get, as well as the name he supplied, what are the variables for this?


ContactPage puts the visitor's email address into the Reply-To field, so when you hit "reply", that's where your email will go -- if that doesn't work, please post a copy of a test mail with all the headers (but any private info scrambled).
Using the From header for this will not work with a standard mail setup, since most MTAs will refuse to send out mail with a From address that does not correspond to an account on the local machine. As far as I know there are ways around that, but frankly, I don't know how to do it. I suppose it involves special configuration in the MTA.
Anyway, requiring visitors to supply an email address is not yet supported, but could be added easily enough. I'll look into that. -- Duesentrieb 10:21, 5 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Actually, there's a switch called $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo that controlls if the From-Field is to be treated as strict. I guess I'll update ContactPage to respect that setting. -- Duesentrieb 12:47, 5 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ok, the latest version now obeys $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo and has an option $wgContactRequireAll to require user name and address -- Duesentrieb 21:35, 5 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Capture submitter's IP address?


First off, GREAT EXTENSION. Thanks very much!

It may be useful (at least to me) to be able to capture a submitter's IP address. Perhaps automagically placed into the body of the message, or a separate field? Switches for visible/invisible /editable/non-editable? Maybe add the info to the showSuccess() function?


AnotherYellow 19:36, 19 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I really would to like to see IP's too. Hope you add this on next version. Thanks for the extension.

Localisation of extension


This extension is part of the extensions included on translatewiki.net for localisation. I assume that when the extension is in use the contact page will appear in whatever language the (logged-in) user has set in preferences, and not in the default content language of the wiki. If so, then this could be misleading to a user wanting to use the contact page, because it could imply that you could send an e-mail composed in that user-preference language! Or does this special page only appear in the wiki content language? If my first assumption is correct, then is it possible to add a message along the lines of 'Please write your e-mail in the content language of the wiki.' Or is it possible to create a customisable message along the lines of 'E-mails written in the following languages are understood:'? Lloffiwr 13:02, 1 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

All parts of the user interface are customizable, as with all interface text in mediawiki. The best choice would probably be editing MediaWiki:contactpage-pagetext on your wiki. This is the text that will be shown at the top of Special:ContactPage. -- Duesentrieb 17:32, 2 January 2009 (UTC)Reply
Fair enough. I guess common sense should tell a user that they are more likely to get a reply if they write an e-mail in the wiki content language. :-) Lloffiwr 00:34, 4 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Brazilian Portuguese i18n (patch)

/** Portuguese (Brasil)
* @author Plugado
$messages['pt-br'] = array(
	'contactpage-desc'               => '[[{{ns:special}}:Contact|Formulário de contato para visitantes]]',
	'contactpage-title'              => 'Contato',
	'contactpage-pagetext'           => 'Por favor, use o formulário abaixo para entrar em contato conosco.',
	'contactpage-defsubject'         => 'Mensagem de Contato',
	'contactpage-subject-and-sender' => '$1 (de $2)',
	'contactpage-fromname'           => 'o seu nome *',
	'contactpage-fromaddress'        => 'o seu email **',
	'contactpage-formfootnotes'      => '* opcional<br />
 ** opcional mas necessário se quiser uma resposta',
	'contactpage-captcha'            => "Para enviar a mensagem, por favor, resolva o ''captcha'' ([[{{ns:special}}:Captcha/help|mais informação]])",
	'contactpage-captcha-failed'     => 'Teste captcha falhou! ([[{{ns:special}}:Captcha/help|mais informação]])',

to add into ContactPage.i18n.php for brazilian portuguese. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) . Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Encoding is messed up, please resave your patch with UTF-8 encoding and then resubmit it. It should also be noted that this patch is missing perhaps the most important messages of this extension: 'contact' and 'contactpage'. To see what messages you should translate into Brazilian Portuguese, have a look at the current ContactPage i18n file. As of right now, there are 16 English messages that you should translate, and the above patch only has 10 of them. --Sayuri 13:11, 16 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

From field always Populated with LDAP


We're using the LDAP extension internally and regardless of what I put in the LocalSettings.php file the From field always has the users contact info. We actually want this to be anonymous. What do I need to change?

No e-mail address


This user has not specified a valid e-mail address.

Return to Main Page.

Why do I get this? Sachein 21:06, 8 May 2009 (UTC)Reply

Had the same problem. Solution: In $wgContactUser = 'Admin'; Admin has to be a registered, user-mail enabled user.

Email Authentication


When a user logs in for the first time using the LDAP extension, an account on the wiki is created. However, the e-mail address for that account is not authenticated by default, meaning that users will not receive any notifications (other than to update their password) unless they explicitly go into their settings and ask for it.

Is it possible to set the e-mail address to authenticated by default? Personally, I would prefer to turn off e-mail authentication altogether as it's an internal wiki, but the setting $wgEmailAuthentication is misleading - it appears it will disable it, but on its page is says "If set to false then no e-mail notifications are enabled for the entire wiki."

Use real name


Here's a patch so the email form will show the user's real name instead of their user name if the setting $wgEnotifUseRealName is set to true. I needed this because our usernames in LDAP (I use the LDAP extension) are the first three letters of our name.

        function EmailContactForm( $target ) {
                global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
                global $wgCaptchaClass;
                global $wgEnotifUseRealName;

		$this->target = $target;
		$this->text = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpText' );
		$this->subject = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpSubject' );
		$this->cc_me = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpCCMe' );

		$this->fromname = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFromName' );
		$this->fromaddress = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFromAddress' );

		if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
			if( !$this->fromname ) {
				if( $wgEnotifUseRealName ) 
					$this->fromname = $wgUser->getRealName();
					$this->fromname = $wgUser->getName();
			if( !$this->fromaddress ) $this->fromaddress = $wgUser->getEmail();

		// prepare captcha if applicable
		if ( $this->useCaptcha() ) {
			$captcha = ConfirmEditHooks::getInstance();
			$captcha->trigger = 'contactpage';
			$captcha->action = 'contact';

I've put a link to the contact page in the sidebar as follows:


On all pages in my wiki, this is displayed correctly as 'Contact', however on the actual contact page, it's shown as 'Contact page'.

"Your e-mail" field


There is a configuration which makes field "Your e-mail" (email for visitor) a must fill field? Thank you

Sending Mail without being logged in



Is there any possibility to let someone use the contact function without being logged in? Any clue would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

Anonymous users sending mail


Me, too! Is it possible to let anonymous users send mail via the contact page?


error: Call to undefined method Xml::hidden()


After upgrading to MW 1.18 i receive the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Xml::hidden() in public_html/extensions/ContactPage/SpecialContact.php on line 248

How can i solve this problem?

kind regards,


Change Xml::hidden to Html::hidden wherever it appears. Affected extensions appear to include Extension:MultiBoilerplate, Extension:ContactPage, Extension:ConfirmAccount and Extension:SpecialNamespaces, although for many of these installing the latest version of the extension resolves the issue. --Carlb 02:35, 14 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Resolved: Dieser Benutzer hat keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse angegeben.


After installing and going to "Special Page" it says that I have not provided a guilty email address. What can I do?

Solution: Activate user to user email in your email preferences

Restrict to registered users


Is there a way to make the form only display for and useable by registered users?

Thank you 04:45, 16 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

mailing error


I can't send e-mails from within ContactPage in my installation. Frustrating is that I get only the line "Mail object returned error:" and not the error message itself. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help. Justus

MediaWiki 1.19.1 PHP 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.17 (apache2handler) MySQL 5.1.63-0ubuntu0.10.04.1-log

I have the same problem with MW 1.21

Nicolas NALLET (talk) 08:34, 30 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Fixed this error with a heavy-handed stop-gap measure. My error was a result of the fact that the extension seems to be ignoring the $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo setting, i.e., it's always trying to send from the submitted address, rather than the Emergency Contact or Password Sender as I configured it to. I changed line 422 of ContactPage_body.php to

$mailResult = UserMailer::send( $targetAddress, $contactSender, $subject, $this->text, $replyto );

instead of

$mailResult = UserMailer::send( $targetAddress, $submitterAddress, $subject, $this->text, $replyto );

and it works now, because it's always sending from the contact sender, as it should be, and as my server allows. But I'd really like to know how to fix this in a way that leaves the extension configurable, rather than manually inserting $contactSender into the final command that generates the mail. Any ideas? Nickenge (talk) 10:37, 19 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

I also get the same error (Mail object returned error:). I tried the solution offered above by Nicolas and that did not work either.

I think there is a bug in printing the error, I changed this: $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usermailererror') . $mailResult->getMessage(); To this: $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usermailererror' . $mailResult->getMessage());

And now I get the error: <usermailererrorTried to send email with an empty or unreasonably short body.>

The body needs to be at least 10 characters

Installation error


I just tried to install this extension, but on loading a page, I receive the following error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_VARIABLE or T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES or T_CURLY_OPEN in ...../extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage.i18n.php on line 2256

Line 2256 in that file (in the Ukranian section) reads as follows:

'contactpage-formfootnotes-required' => "Усі поля є обов'язковими.",

Any idea what's wrong here? Cavila MW 1.17, MySQL 5.5.23, Php 5.3.10, SMW 1.7.1 12:07, 10 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

I looks to me that the file you uploaded to you server was not encoded in UTF-8. I guess that this message is not the only one in the file that is scrambled. Cheers --[[kgh]] (talk) 13:02, 10 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
I don't know, but it certainly looks like it has something to do with the files from "Download snapshot". I just downloaded the files again, this time choosing the alternative option (the one given between roundd brackets, Git I think), and activated the extension in local settings. No error message appears, except when you go to Special:Contact:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getVal() on a non-object in ......./extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage_body.php on line 49
One notable difference between these downloads is that the former contains a file called SpecialContact.php, while in the latter it appears to be renamed to ContactPage_body.php. I'm half-guessing that this is the latest version for MW 1.19 and is therefore not supposed to work with MW 1.17 anyway. Cavila MW 1.17, MySQL 5.5.23, Php 5.3.10, SMW 1.7.1 14:49, 10 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
Since the conversion to Git I never used the extension distributor, because it proved unreliable to me. It may very well be the case that the current version does not work for MW 1.17. Just go to one of the former revisions of that time in the shortlog on Git and download the respective snapshot. It is very easy to get former version now in contrast to the SVN times. Cheers --[[kgh]] (talk) 15:50, 10 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks! That's some good advice in general about using these download clients. I'll go and give Git another try then. Cavila MW 1.17, MySQL 5.5.23, Php 5.3.10, SMW 1.7.1 19:01, 10 September 2012 (UTC) Curiously enough, the last version to still work on my MW 1.17 installation is the version before the files were transferred to Git and put under Git review (March 2012). Because this particular revision has a few problems of its own, I'm now using the penultimate version, dated 2012-01-11, which may be the recommended version for MW 1.17 users. Cavila MW 1.17, MySQL 5.5.23, Php 5.3.10, SMW 1.7.1 20:40, 10 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

undefined method SpecialContact::msg


Full error when trying to load special pages link, which comes up blank.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method SpecialContact::msg() in /usr/share/mediawiki/extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage_body.php on line 29, referer: http://wiki/index.php/Main_Page

If I try to use the function using Special:ContactPage, I get this (also returns a blank page):

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method SpecialContact::getRequest() in /usr/share/mediawiki/extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage_body.php on line 46, referer: http://wiki/index.php/Contact_Form

Using mediawiki-1.15.3-53.el5 on CentOS 5.8. LocalSettings.php entry below.

require_once( "$IP/extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage.php" );
$wgContactUser = 'WikiAdmin';
$wgContactSender = $wgPasswordSender;
$wgContactSenderName = 'AllHands' . $wgSitename;

Having the same problem, using nearlyfreespeech hosting.
Same guy who was having problems with nearlyfreespeech hosting here. I used the snapshot from 2012-01-11 and the problem disappeared.

Disable "E-mail me a copy of my message"


How do I disable the part that allows a user to "E-mail me a copy of my message" ? This reveals my webservers ip address and I would like to disable the cc feature because of this.

Captcha support removed with 2.x?



I was trying to migrate to the latest version.

Unfortunately the Captcha support was not working. I've searched for "captcha" in the source code without success.

Has the Captcha support been removed?

Thank you, Christoph

Just tested this and I can verify that the integration with the ConfirmEdit extension is currently not working. I will file a bug for this. Thanks for pointing at this. Cheers --[[kgh]] (talk) 20:05, 18 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Just added bug 66811 for this. Cheers --[[kgh]] (talk) 20:17, 18 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
This was fixed a couple of days ago. Great! Cheers --[[kgh]] (talk) 20:04, 2 September 2014 (UTC)Reply