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Extension talk:ClipUpload/Flow

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Invalid CSRF token with Mediawiki 1.35

Jiou7 (talkcontribs)

ClipUpload was not working with Mediawiki 1.35 / WikiEditor due to the following error : "Invalid CSRF token".

To make it work, I replaced 'editToken' by 'csrfToken' line 66 of inline-attach.js :

formData.append("token", mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'));

Maveruri (talkcontribs)

Hi, thank you so much for this.

I am now able to use this extension with Mediawiki 1.35

DGessel (talkcontribs)

This worked for me as well. It'd be great to update the plugin for people who don't find this helpful hint. Thanks @Jiou7

HoltzeDK (talkcontribs)

Thanks! - This solution is still working with MediaWiki 1.39.2

Reply to "Invalid CSRF token with Mediawiki 1.35"

Not working on Chrome 79 on Win 10

Doug.lim (talkcontribs)

I have a Mediawiki 1.32.0 installation with ClipUpload 1.3.0

ClipUpload has recently stopped working with Chrome 79. The extension also does not appear to work when using Microsoft Edge 40.

The extension is installed properly and appears to otherwise working as expected when using Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox 72.0.1.

I am using WikiEditor, not Visual Editor. (talkcontribs)

Same here, extension is not working anymore, Chrome 83, IE 11, MW 1.31, MW 1.34.

2A03:EC00:B141:7CFC:38C9:B67C:1588:7EE9 (talkcontribs)

ClipUpload still works fine for me with WikiEditor and MediaWiki 1.34, but not in VisualEditor. BTW, ClipUpload conflicts with extension CodeMirror (you need to disable CodeMirror if enabled and installed in order to get ClipUpload working in WikiEditor

Reply to "Not working on Chrome 79 on Win 10"

Personal Filenames for each upload?

3 (talkcontribs)


first i want to say thanks for this great extension.

It would be great if the filename isn't set automatically. Is it achievable to integrate the possibility to rename the .png? Maybe a Popup Window which can be aktivated if wished?

This would help by administrate the Image Folder and using the same picture for different Articles.


VanShunt (talkcontribs)

+1 for this idea. This extension would be PERFECT if the filename could be specified.

Sarcophosaur (talkcontribs)


Reply to "Personal Filenames for each upload?"

Name File Before Upload Begins and File Page is Created

Sarcophosaur (talkcontribs)

This is incredibly useful for me! Thanks for making this neat tool.

I have one improvement request that would allow our entire organization to utilize this. We name our files/images uploaded so that they can be searched for relevancy.

Could you consider adding functionality that allowed the file to be named before the upload begins? I am currently renaming all Clips uploaded from "File:Clip.....xxx" to a more relevant file name which then requires redirects to be allowed which just makes things messy.



Reply to "Name File Before Upload Begins and File Page is Created"

Disable upload dialog in Visual editor

1 (talkcontribs)


is there a possibility to disable the upload dialog while using the Visual Editor?

When using the Wiki Editor the extension uploads the file directly, but in Visual Editor the upload dialog appears.

Reply to "Disable upload dialog in Visual editor"

Not compatible with other languages

Ahmad.enisyst (talkcontribs)

When user language is selected as English the upload is done using ` :[[ File : xxxxxxxxxxxx.PNG]]` and upload is successful and you can see the image but when In German then `:[[ Datei : xxxxxxxxxxxx.PNG]]` and instead of image the string is displayed

Reply to "Not compatible with other languages"

Not compatible with Extension:WYSIWYG

1 (talkcontribs)

Hi, could anyone tell me how I can make use of this awesome extension together with the WYSIWYG extension?

It's a real shame these two don't cooperate at the moment :( ..

Extension:WYSIWYG#Config "Paste as ..."

Reply to "Not compatible with Extension:WYSIWYG"

No extension.json (Required for MediaWiki v1.25+)

2 (talkcontribs)


I tried installing this plugin for my mediawiki (1.26.4 ), and they seem to have deprecated configuration files, insisting that all plugins use the extension.json file. The whole wiki site goes blank if this extension.json file is included.

I love this plugin and it makes things so convenient, so would you be able to make the extension.json file? The instructions for it are right here:

Manual:Extension registration

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Invoking this extension as described on the page should still work.

Reply to "No extension.json (Required for MediaWiki v1.25+)" (talkcontribs)


is there any support on bluespice with WYSIWYG?

i'am using bluespice version 2.27.0, install ClipUpload succesfully, but only work in wiki editor only, not in the WYSIWYG


Reply to "Bluespice support"

Unbale copy / paste image in IE and Firefox and not working even in chrome with WYSWYG editor enabled.

Gsmrao (talkcontribs)


I am unable to do the copy/paste image in IE and Firefox browsers and also Chrome with WYSWYG editor.

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Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Only Crome is supported. See also this thread. I would not expect this to work with WYSIWYG due to possible scripting conflicts in any browser. I am not sure if it is worth making this possible. Perhaps the creator of this extension has more information and a view on this. Cheers (talkcontribs)

It support's now Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

Reply to "Unbale copy / paste image in IE and Firefox and not working even in chrome with WYSWYG editor enabled."