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Extension talk:CategoryTree/ru

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After renaming the old names remains

Аргскригициониец (talkcontribs)

If I rename my page inside categoy, the old name and link to its non-existing page remains in the tree. Is there any way to renew the tree after renaming pages?

Аргскригициониец (talkcontribs)

UPD: It seems I've found the solution: you need delete category from one page of the problem tree and then apply it again. It renews the tree.

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Question about nodes expanding

1 (talkcontribs)


First af all, I would like to say GRAND MERCI for this extension: it's very helpfull.

And the qusetion is: when I'm using param mode=categories, all the tree appears auto-expanded but if I'm using mode=pages, 1st level expanded only but the second level is collapsed and thats is what I wanna get with "mode=categories". Is it possible?

Thank you,


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