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Extension talk:Cargo/Quick start guide

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Joernc unibi (talkcontribs)

If I have a query on a Template page, how do I express "this page", or more precisely "attribute x of this page"?

Example: I have tables for "departments" and "employees". For each department I want a page listing all employees of that department - but of course I want to do this within a Template "department". Each department has a department code, and each employee references his/her department by this code. So I need something like

where employee.depcode=<_thisPage.depcode>

How do I achieve this?

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

Is there a template parameter for the department code? If so, use that.

Reply to ""this" in Cargo?"

Request for Special:CreateCargoTemplate

Egnatoff (talkcontribs)

It would be very helpful to have a specialized version of Special:CreateTemplate for creating Cargo tables.

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

If only Cargo is installed and not SMW, Special:CreateTemplate will create a Cargo-specific template. My guess is that you have both installed; I'm not sure what it should do in that case.

Egnatoff (talkcontribs)

Both are installed; I am using a wiki on Referata.

Nischayn22 (talkcontribs)

I only have Cargo installed and yet I didn't get the Cargo stuff in the templates created using Special:CreateClass

I have the latest versions for both Cargo and PF

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

We resolved these issues "offline".

Flyingratchet (talkcontribs)

oops! posted in the wrong place and erased.

Reply to "Request for Special:CreateCargoTemplate"
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