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Extension talk:ArticleToCategory2/Archive 2 (talkcontribs)

Where can I get the 1.35+ version for my MW 1.33? Download page only states the newest versions

Reply to "older version"
Schlagmichdoch (talkcontribs)

When using the current version with php 7.4 we got a bug whenever a category page is visited.

On top of the body following error message is printed:

<b>Notice</b>:  Uninitialized string offset: 0 in <b>/var/www/wiki/extensions/ArticleToCategory2/ArticleToCategory2Hooks.php</b> on line <b>49</b><br>

To fix this we need to change the File ArticleToCategory2Hooks.php:

                               foreach ( $c as $entry ) {
                                       if ( $entry[0] == ';' ) {
                                               $cat = trim( substr( $entry, 1 ) );
                                               $excludedCategories[] = $cat;

Must be changed into:

                               foreach ( $c as $entry ) {
                                       if ( !empty($entry) && $entry[0] == ';' ) {
                                               $cat = trim( substr( $entry, 1 ) );
                                               $excludedCategories[] = $cat;
Reply to "Bug"

InputBox not appearing?

Magnulu (talkcontribs)
Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Appears to be strange indeed. Perhaps you ask Miraheze staff to look into this closer.

Reply to "InputBox not appearing?"

Excluded Categories fix

Summary by Kghbln

Committed with 40b6c3159300800a3e2ed5bb814772196c6ee092. Users of MW 1.33+ however need to use the version for MW 1.35+

Schlagmichdoch (talkcontribs)

the flag $wgarticletocategory2ConfigBlacklist = true; is not working by default. To make it work again the following workaround should be good enough:

  1. The flag in LocalSettings.pgp is actually camelcased. Change it to $wgArticleToCategory2ConfigBlacklist = true;
  2. The extension than uses a hook that is long deprecated and leading to a error on every category page (Info). Therefore go to line 40 in ArticleToCategory2.hooks.php and change

           $content = $rev->getText();


           $content = ContentHandler::getContentText($rev->getContent());

Afterwords everthing should be working fine.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)
Kghbln (talkcontribs)
Summary by Kghbln

Fixed with 39be8f5315448771efa2c0037d3613fcfe7a85f4. Users of MW 1.33+ however need to use the version for MW 1.35+

Schlagmichdoch (talkcontribs)

When I tried to activate the extension with the new mediawiki 1.35 I got an Error on each Category Page.

Blame is to be attributed to ArticleToCategory2.hooks.php again.

There is a typo in line 77 right after // MW 1.33+

It needs to be


instead of:



Kghbln (talkcontribs)
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