Where can I get the 1.35+ version for my MW 1.33? Download page only states the newest versions
Extension talk:ArticleToCategory2/Archive 2
When using the current version with php 7.4 we got a bug whenever a category page is visited.
On top of the body following error message is printed:
<b>Notice</b>: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in <b>/var/www/wiki/extensions/ArticleToCategory2/ArticleToCategory2Hooks.php</b> on line <b>49</b><br>
To fix this we need to change the File ArticleToCategory2Hooks.php
foreach ( $c as $entry ) {
if ( $entry[0] == ';' ) {
$cat = trim( substr( $entry, 1 ) );
$excludedCategories[] = $cat;
Must be changed into:
foreach ( $c as $entry ) {
if ( !empty($entry) && $entry[0] == ';' ) {
$cat = trim( substr( $entry, 1 ) );
$excludedCategories[] = $cat;
Hello, I have installed the extension and verified it is working: https://tolkewiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Spesial:Versjon
However, no inputbox appears on my categories-page? I have also created a new category to see if that helps, to no avail: https://tolkewiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Kategori:UDI
Any suggestions?
Appears to be strange indeed. Perhaps you ask Miraheze staff to look into this closer.
the flag $wgarticletocategory2ConfigBlacklist = true;
is not working by default. To make it work again the following workaround should be good enough:
- The flag in LocalSettings.pgp is actually camelcased. Change it to
$wgArticleToCategory2ConfigBlacklist = true;
- The extension than uses a hook that is long deprecated and leading to a error on every category page (Info). Therefore go to line 40 in ArticleToCategory2.hooks.php and change
$content = $rev->getText();
$content = ContentHandler::getContentText($rev->getContent());
Afterwords everthing should be working fine.
Reported with task T258325.
Committed with 40b6c3159300800a3e2ed5bb814772196c6ee092. Thanks a lot for your suggestion.
When I tried to activate the extension with the new mediawiki 1.35 I got an Error on each Category Page.
Blame is to be attributed to ArticleToCategory2.hooks.php again.
There is a typo in line 77 right after // MW 1.33+
It needs to be
instead of:
Thanks for reporting. This issue was fixed in the meantime. See commit aed4a751c81ede3b2e6f8f08a81075bc6bdf68dc
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