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From mediawiki.org

Slot contents can be accessed with the standard MediaWiki API:Query as follows:


Additionally a Visualdata query can be performed using the following api:

api.php?action=visualdataquery&format=json&schema=Book&query=%5B%5Btitle%3A%3A%2B%5D%5D&printouts=title%7Cauthors%7Cdate&limit=500&offet=0&order=date desc

which contains the following parameters:

parameter value
action visualdataquery
format json
schema Book
query [[title::+]]
printouts title|authors|date
limit 500
offet 0
order date desc

Note that the query parameter can also contain an article id or page title (without enclosing it in square brackets) in order to retrieve the data related to a specific page.

The query result is returned in json format and it is responsibility of the consumer application to format it as needed.