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Extension:Push/manual/The tab interface

From mediawiki.org

This is the Push/manual/The tab interface part of the user manual for the Push extension.

The primary interface to push pages from one wiki (the source) to another (the target) can be accessed as a tab, in much the same way as the editing and page history interfaces.

Getting there


Depending on the configuration and skin of the wiki, this tab can either show up in the action dropdown menu of the page, as shown in the below screenshot, or as an actual tab next to the "View history" one.

The push tab can be accessed via the page action dropdown menu.

By default only registered (and email confirmed) users can push pages, so you will likely need to log in for the tab to show up. It's possible that you need additional privileges on some wikis, for which you should contact your wikis administrators.

The interface


The interface consists of a table that lists the target wikis you can push to and a list of options underneath it.

The push tab interface.

Each target wiki has an associated button that allows pushing the page to that wiki. In case there are multiple target wikis, a "Push all" button will also show up at the bottom of the table, which enables you to push the page to all target wikis with one click. After the page is loaded Push will poll the target wikis for useful info on the current state of the page there and display it under a link to the page. This makes it easy to assert if the page already exists there, and if so, who last edited it, and when. You can use the link to the page on the target wiki to further inspect the page if needed, or view the result after doing the push.

You can choose to also push embedded templates by checking the "Include templates" option, if not already done so. This makes sure the used templates exist and are up to date on the target wiki(s).

Similarly you can indicate that embedded files should be transfered during the push. Note that if the files are big, it can take a while before the push completes.