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This page is a translated version of the page Extension:ManageWiki and the translation is 5% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
미디어위키 확장 기능 설명서
출시 상태: 안정
설명 Allows wiki administrators to change many aspects of their configuration.
만든 이 Southparkfan, John Lewis, MacFan4000, Reception123, Universal Omega
유지 보수자 Miraheze system administrators
최신 버전 continuous updates
MediaWiki 1.36.0+
PHP 7.2+
데이터베이스 변경
Composer miraheze/manage-wiki
테이블 mw_namespaces
라이선스 GNU 일반 공중 사용 허가서 3.0
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsDisallowedGroups
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalAddGroupsSelf
  • $wgManageWikiNamespacesDisallowedNames
  • $wgManageWikiExtensions
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalRights
  • $wgManageWikiExtensionsDefault
  • $wgManageWikiHelpUrl
  • $wgManageWiki
  • $wgManageWikiNamespacesAdditional
  • $wgManageWikiForceSidebarLinks
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalRemoveGroups
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsPermanentGroups
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsDefaultPrivateGroup
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsDisallowedRights
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalRemoveGroupsSelf
  • $wgManageWikiSettings
  • $wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalAddGroups

  • managewiki-core
  • managewiki-editdefault
  • managewiki-extensions
  • managewiki-namespaces
  • managewiki-permissions
  • managewiki-restricted
  • managewiki-settings
  • remotewiki
ManageWiki 확장 기능 번역

ManageWiki 확장 기능은 위키의 관리를 위해 몇가지 특수 문서를 제공합니다: Special:ManageWiki, Special:ManageWiki/extensions, Special:ManageWiki/settings, Special:ManageWiki/namespaces and Special:ManageWiki/permissions.

  • Special:ManageWiki/core
  • Special:ManageWiki/extensions
  • Special:ManageWiki/settings
  • Special:ManageWiki/namespaces
  • Special:ManageWiki/permissions

자세한 정보는 Miraheze의 설명 문서에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

경고 경고: ManageWiki was designed and created specifically for the Miraheze wiki farm, and as such, may not always work on different sites or configurations. While efforts have been made to make it more usable by non-Miraheze wiki sites, this extension is still a primarily Miraheze-focused extension and aligns to Miraheze's configuration and style.

Issues and bug reporting

For reporting an issue or a bug, please use Miraheze Phabricator. See here for the workboard.


  • First, download and install the separate extension CreateWiki .
  • 파일을 Download하고 ManageWiki 폴더를 extensions/ 디렉토리에 넣어 주세요.
  • 아래의 코드를 LocalSettings.php 코드의 마지막에 추가합니다.
    wfLoadExtension( 'ManageWiki' );
  • 갱신 스크립트를 실행합니다. 이 스크립트는 이 확장기능을 필요로 하는 데이터 베이스 테이블을 자동적으로 작성합니다.
  • Yes 완료 – 위키의 ‘Special:Version’에 이동해서, 확장기능이 올바르게 설치된 것을 확인합니다.


The ManageWiki page is used to manage several aspects of a wiki's settings. As mentioned above, users with the appropriate permissions can manage settings on their wiki, enable/disable extensions and also change permissions (wgGroupPermissions) directly from their wiki.

All settings changes are listed at Special:Log/managewiki. Anyone who has the managewiki-core right can change wiki settings and use Special:ManageWiki/core but you only need the "read" right to view configuration. As indicated in the table below, each of the other rights corresponds to a respective special page.

Right Special page
managewiki-core Special:ManageWiki/core
managewiki-extensions Special:ManageWiki/extensions
managewiki-namespaces Special:ManageWiki/namespaces
managewiki-permissions Special:ManageWiki/permissions
managewiki-settings Special:ManageWiki/settings


parameter default comment
$wgManageWiki [ 'cdb' => false, 'core' => false, 'extensions' => false, 'namespaces' => false, 'permissions' => false, 'settings' => false, ]; Which modules of ManageWiki should be enabled on the wiki.
$wgManageWikiCDBDirectory false This will enable CDB capabilities in ManageWiki.
$wgManageWikiExtensions false An array of extensions enabled within the wiki farm.
$wgManageWikiExtensionsDefault false An array of default extensions.
$wgManageWikiSettings false An array of settings that can be managed through Special:ManageWiki/settings
$wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalAddGroups false ManageWiki's version of $wgAddGroups.
$wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalRemoveGroups false ManageWiki's version of $wgRemoveGroups.
$wgManageWikiPermissionsAdditionalRights false ManageWiki's version of $wgGroupPermissions.
$wgManageWikiPermissionsDisallowedGroups false An array of usergroups which ManageWiki can't manage. Will prevent users creating same named groups as well.
$wgManageWikiPermissionsDisallowedRights [ 'managewiki-restricted', ]; An array of user rights that ManageWiki can not manage and assign on wiki.
$wgManageWikiPermissionsDefaultPrivateGroup false Name of a group to add to private wikis. False disables this function.
$wgManageWikiHelpUrl false URL of a help page for ManageWiki on the local wiki farm.
$wgManageWikiSidebarLinks false Whether to show quick links to ManageWiki pages in the sidebar.

See also