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From mediawiki.org

Problem finding


UX Scenarios

When... as... I want to... so I can...
browsing the February 2008 lunar eclipse article Michelle[1] discover that the "Eclipse observed from West Hartford, Connecticut at 3:17 UTC. Lunar north is near top-left." image has annotations explore
using an article to teach children Michelle project the image and annotation on a wall show students all the planets in the solar system
collecting teaching material for my next class Michelle add missing annotations to images quickly use those images in the next class
researching a topic Michelle find connections between topics and files create better study material
planning a field trip and getting photographs from Commons Michelle find events that happened and people that were here get students excited
teaching art class Michelle jump in and out of zoomed/detailed photos of the artwork give students an overall perspective
looking at an astronaut group photograph on commons Michelle be able to choose whether to go to that astronauts en or fr wikipedia page see which one has content more suited to me
annotating planets on a picture of the solar system Michelle be able to annotate small areas (planets are tiny in the thumbnail), or zoom in and draw rectangles make accurate annotations
looking at in image (with or without annotations) Henry


be encouraged and guided to add a new annotation start contributing to wikipedia in another small way
looking at a collection of products and articles Henry see if its better to tag-
  • better picture
  • era article on Wikidata or Wikipedia
contribute using existing information instead of adding more
looking at an article on a designer Henry annotate images in the article add more information without worrying about adding a new section or a page
annotating an image Henry double check all the edits I've made be sure that my edits are useful and wont be reverted (or that I don't get banned (fear of making a mistake))
adding an annotation Henry be able to edit the area I selected make sure that I am annotating the correct part
editing an existing annotation Henry see the changes that I made be sure I am not making a mistake
annotating an image that already has a few annotations Henry be able to differentiate between existing annotations and the ones I added be sure I am not changing someone else's work
annotating an image Henry cancel all my changes research more and add annotations once I feel more comfortable
when annotating the pieces of furniture in Case Study House 22 Henry open and check if the designer that I tagged is correct be sure of my edit
when annotating the pieces of furniture in Case Study House 22 Henry know whether to duplicate an annotation, leave only one, or make the rectangle larger and a bit more ambiguous be sure I am following policy correctly
when reading the Stahl House article on Wikipedia Henry see my annotations adding value to the article encouraged to do more
annotating the Stahl house Henry see a preview of what the annotation I am adding will look like choose a different type of annotation where appropriate
when looking at this Pink Floyd photo Adriana[3] be able to make overlapping rectangles with ease annotate the band members and their instruments
watchlisting a file page Adriana automatically watchlist the annotations page too be on top of ALL the changes
seeing diffs of annotation Adriana see if the annotation text changed or the position and size changed decide which changes need to be reviewed
annotating band members Adriana quickly check if the members have a wiki page or will the annotation have to be a text one that the annotations are structured where possible
seeing RecentChanges Adriana tell which changes are annotation text changes and which are movements of rectangles decide which changes need review
when looking at the WMF all staff photograph User:Pginer-WMF see a text list of all annotations search and find the people I am looking for

Generic aspects/features of solution

  • Annotations should be discoverable:
    • On Wikipedia articles
    • On Commons
  • Viewing annotations should provide rich information
  • Editing annotations should be:
    • Simple and easy for new users, with enough guidance
    • Advanced for experienced users
  • Editors should be able to watchlist, patrol and get information from RC like they're used to



Stages in the UX

  1. Find out about annotations
  2. Be encouraged to add them
  3. Connecting information to an area/point, and create
  4. Adjust existing and your own annotations
  5. Keep updated on annotations on that page (should happen automatically?) and react to otherss annotations (improve/remove)





Axes of evaluation




