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مركز المطورون

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Developer hub and the translation is 14% complete.
  • المستخدمون
  • إداريو النظام
  • المطورون
  • المترجمون

هذه لمحة ذات مستوى رفيع للتنمية ميدياويكي,بما في ذلك وصلات إلى الوثائق الأساسية والموارد والأدوات المتاحة للمطورين ميدياويكي الماهرينLAMP LAMP المطورين الذين لديهم خبرة في استخدام ميدياويكي ..

  • إذا كنت تريد استخدام واجهات برمجة تطبيقات الويب ويكيميديا، فقم بزيارة $1 (العمل قيد التقدم).
  • إذا أردت الإسهام في تطوير برمجيات ويكيميديا، انظر خاص بالمطورين الجدد .
  • For an introductory guide to developing MediaWiki and MediaWiki extensions, read How to become a MediaWiki hacker .
  • If you want to collaborate with other third-party MediaWiki users, the مجموعة ذوي الشأن في ميدياويكي (MWStake) is a MediaWiki user group consisting of MediaWiki developers, system administrators, users, consultants, and hosting providers.

نظرة عامة

ميدياويكي هو البرنامج المشغل لويكيبيديا، ومشاريعه الأخوة والآلاف من الويكي عبر العالم .

برنامج ميدياويكي مكتوب بلغة PHP. ليست ميدياويكي مكتوبة كليا بلغة PHP.[1] يستخدم -أي ميدياويكي- jQuery كمكتبة موكلة للجافاسكربت.

MediaWiki is primarily written for the LAMP platform[2] and runs on most operating systems. MediaWiki primarily uses the MySQL and MariaDB database servers.[3]

Development happens in an open source style[4], is largely coordinated online, and supported by the Wikimedia Foundation, though volunteer community developers play a huge part as well.

The main developer list is wikitech-l. The main developer IRC channel is #mediawiki تواصل.

  • Source code is managed using the Git version control system.


  • Developers extending or interfacing with MediaWiki (instead of working on the core code) have several convenient extension points, including the API, the Hooks system and Skins – see the #Extending MediaWiki section of this page for an overview.

Key documents

Code, development and style

Debugging and testing

  • Unit testing – learn to write unit tests for MediaWiki using PHPUnit.


  • Manual namespace on this wiki – documentation for developers.
  • MediaWiki Class Reference – technical documentation generated from the MediaWiki source code. (Note: The class reference is a large, slow-to-load page.)


  • API – MediaWiki's API provides direct, high-level access to the data contained in the MediaWiki databases.
  • ContentHandler MediaWiki's framework for supporting custom types of page content.
  • Database access an overview of using databases in MediaWiki, including a brief guide to the database abstraction layer.
  • Job queue MediaWiki's framework for processing long-running tasks asynchronously.
  • Messages API MediaWiki's framework for providing localized application messages with PHP or JavaScript.

Extending MediaWiki

MediaWiki has been designed to allow for modification without changing the "core code". This makes it easy to update to a new version of MediaWiki without having to manually merge in old extension code changes. There are six main extension points that allow developers to change or extend what MediaWiki can do. The extension points are:

  • API – access the data and metadata of MediaWiki instances through its web API.

Help for extension developers

Help for skin developers

Help for library code reuse


  1. بعض ادوات المساعدة مكتوبة بلغات اخرى، بما فيه ملفات باتش، شل سكريبت وبايثون.
  2. MediaWiki runs on most platforms that can support PHP, however, the lack of certain utilities or operating system features may limit the functionality or performance of MediaWiki on non-LAMP platforms.
  3. MediaWiki has support for DBMS other than MySQL and MariaDB, including PostgreSQL and SQLite.
  4. Developers are a mix of volunteers and paid staff (or contractors) for various organizations. For a full list of who works on the MediaWiki code, read the المطورون article.
  5. Browse the source code and revisions of code repositories in Gerrit or download the source code to your system by using Gerrit .