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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2023/Survey questions

From mediawiki.org


Some of these questions were only shown conditionally.

For example, if you responded to "What role(s) do you currently have in the Wikimedia Developer Community?" by only selecting "Volunteer Developer" then you did not see the question "Which department are you in?"


Code Question Choices
G01Q01 What role(s) do you currently have in the Wikimedia Developer Community? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Wikimedia Foundation Staff

◯ Wikimedia Chapter or other Affiliate Staff

◯ Volunteer Developer

◯ Other:

G01Q02 Which of the following best describes your role? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Manager

◯ Individual Contributor

◯ Other

G01Q03 Which department are you in? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Technology

◯ Product

◯ Advancement

◯ Finance and Administration

◯ Communications

◯ Talent and Culture

◯ Legal

G01Q04 What are your current (functional) role(s) in the Wikimedia developer community? Please select all that apply. Please choose all that apply:

◯ Test engineer

◯ MediaWiki core developer

◯ MediaWiki extension developer

◯ SRE / infrastructure engineer

◯ Data engineer

◯ Service / API developer

◯ Tool developer

◯ Gadget or on-wiki tooling developer

◯ Other:

G01Q05 For how many years have you been involved in the Wikimedia developer community in any role?
G12Q56 How would you describe your gender identity? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Male / Man

◯ Female / Woman

◯ Transgender

◯ Non-binary

◯ Genderqueer

I would prefer not to say

◯ Other:

G12Q57 Is English your first or primary language? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ Prefer not to say

Dev environments

Code Question Choices
G02Q06 Do you use a personal development environment for MediaWiki? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G02Q07 Which environment(s) do you use regularly in your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community? Please choose all that apply:

MediaWiki Vagrant


MediaWiki CLI

◯ Self-created environment (e.g., self-installed on bare metal, VM, etc.)

◯ I do not use a personal development environment for MediaWiki

◯ Other:

G02Q08 How satisfied are you with the environment(s) you use? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G02Q09 How would you rank the following priorities for MediaWiki personal development environments? Rank the following from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important). [ ] Similarity to Wikimedia production environment

[ ] Portability

[ ] Offline access

[ ] Reproducibility

[ ] Speed (e.g., page view load time, time needed to save an edit)

[ ] Ease of use

[ ] Quality of documentation, availability of support

[ ] Another priority not listed above

G02Q9OE You ranked another priority for MediaWiki personal development environments as one of your top seven priorities. Please describe that priority here.
G02Q10 Please share any other feedback you may have about MediaWiki personal development environments below:


Code Question Choices
G03Q11 In the past year, have you used Beta Cluster (e.g., https://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G03Q12 How satisfied are you with Beta Cluster? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used beta cluster in the past year

G03Q13 How would you rank the following use cases for Beta Cluster? Rank the following from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important). [ ] Exploratory testing / QA of recent patches

[ ] Demoing / Showcasing

[ ] Test automation of end-to-end tests

[ ] Test automation of integration tests

[ ] Test automation of unit tests

[ ] Another priority not listed above

G03Q13OE You ranked another priority as one of your top five priorities for Beta Cluster. Please describe that priority here.
G03Q14 Do you engage in any of the following activities on Beta Cluster? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Service development / testing

◯ Gadget development / testing

◯ Tool development / testing

◯ MediaWiki extension / core development / testing

◯ Infrastructure / SRE development / testing

G03Q15 Please share any other feedback you may have about beta cluster below:


Code Question Choices
G05Q16 In the past year, have you used Wikimedia Phabricator (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G05Q17 How satisfied are you with Phabricator? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used Phabricator in the past year

G05Q18 How would you rank the importance of the following features of Phabricator? Rank the following from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important) [ ] Shared space for staff and volunteers

[ ] Availability of workboards

[ ] Availability of workboard / team metrics

[ ] Availability of the conduit API

[ ] Integrations with other tools (Gerrit / GitLab / IRC)

[ ] Ability to track the work of other individuals / teams

[ ] Shared historical context

[ ] Another feature not listed above

G05Q18OE You ranked another feature as one of your top seven most important features for Phabricator. Please describe that feature here.
G05Q19 Please share any other feedback you may have about Phabricator below:

Code review

Code Question Choices
G06Q20 In the past year, as part of your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community, have you…? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Had your code reviewed by someone else

◯ Reviewed someone else's code

◯ Neither of the above

G06Q22 Thinking again of your experience in the past year having your code reviewed as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community…

When I receive feedback on my code it is:


◯ Always ◯ Sometimes ◯ Rarely ◯ Never ◯ I'm not sure


◯ Always ◯ Sometimes ◯ Rarely ◯ Never ◯ I'm not sure


◯ Always ◯ Sometimes ◯ Rarely ◯ Never ◯ I'm not sure

Provided in a reasonable amount of time

◯ Always ◯ Sometimes ◯ Rarely ◯ Never ◯ I'm not sure

G06Q23 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your experience in the past year as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community?

Balancing code review with my other Wikimedia developer tasks is:

Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Easy

◯ Somewhat easy

◯ Neither easy nor difficult (neutral)

◯ Somewhat difficult

◯ Difficult

◯ I'm not sure

G06Q24 In the past year, on average, about how many hours per week do you spend reviewing others’ code as part of your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ 0-4 hours per week (half work day or less)

◯ 4-8 hours per week (half work day to full work day)

◯ 8-16 hours per week (one to two full work days)

◯ 16-24 hours per week (two to three full work days)

◯ 24 or more hours per week (three or more full work days)

◯ I'm not sure

G06Q25 Please share any other feedback you may have about the code review process:
G06Q26ALT Thinking about your work as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community, have you used any of the following tools used to host code and conduct code review in the past year? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Wikimedia GitLab

◯ Wikimedia Gerrit

◯ GitHub.com

◯ GitLab.com

◯ I have not used any tool to host code and conduct code review

◯ Other:

G06Q26ALT2 You indicated that you used the following tools used to host code and conduct code review in your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community in the past year (2022).

Given your experience, do you want to continue using that tool in the current year (2023)?

Wikimedia Gitlab

◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure

Wikimedia Gerrit

◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure


◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure


◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure

G06Q26ALT3 You indicated that you did not use the following tools used to host code and conduct code review in your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community in the past year (2022).

Given your experience, do you want to start using that tool in the current year (2023)?

Wikimedia Gitlab

◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure

Wikimedia Gerrit

◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure


◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure


◯Yes, I want to use this tool in 2023

◯ No, I do not want to use this tool in 2023

◯ I'm not sure

G06Q26ALTOE Are there any other tools used to host code and conduct code review that you did not use in the past year (2022) in your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community, but that you want to use in the current year (2023)?
G06Q27 How would you rank the following code hosting and code review features by importance to your existing workflows over the past year? Rank the following features from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important) [ ] Assigning multiple reviewers

[ ] Stacked patch sets

[ ] Cross-project dependent changes

[ ] Setting up or reconfiguring CI / CD for your repo

[ ] Onboarding new team members to your code-review workflow

[ ] Another priority not listed above

G06Q27OE You ranked another feature as one of your top five most important features for code hosting and code review tools. Please describe that feature here.
G06Q28 Please share any other feedback you may have about code review tools:

Continuous integration

Code Question Choices
G07Q29 In the past year, have you used Wikimedia’s Continuous Integration (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Continuous_integration)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G07Q30 How satisfied are you with the Continuous Integration queue time (how long it takes to report test results in Gerrit)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used Continuous Integration

G07Q31 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your experience in the past year using Continuous Integration? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ CI queue time never affected my work

◯ CI queue time affected my work very infrequently

◯ CI queue time affected my work occasionally

◯ CI queue time affected my work somewhat frequently

◯ CI queue time affected my work very frequently

◯ I'm not sure

G07Q32 How satisfied are you with all other features of Continuous Integration (aside from queue times)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G07Q33 Please share any other feedback you may have about Wikimedia’s Continuous Integration:


Code Question Choices
G08Q34 In the past year, have you used the Wikimedia deployment train or backport windows? Please choose all that apply:

◯ I've used the deployment train

◯ I've used backport windows

◯ I've used neither

G08Q35 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your experience in the past year with the frequency of the Wikimedia deployment train? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Deployment train frequency never affected my work

◯ Deployment train frequency affected my work very infrequently

◯ Deployment train frequency affected my work occasionally

◯ Deployment train frequency affected my work somewhat frequently

◯ Deployment train frequency affected my work very frequently

◯ I’m not sure

G08Q36 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your experience in the past year with the frequency of backport windows? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Backport window frequency never affected my work

◯ Backport window frequency affected my work very infrequently

◯ Backport window frequency affected my work occasionally

◯ Backport window frequency affected my work somewhat frequently

◯ Backport window frequency affected my work very frequently

◯ I'm not sure

G08Q37 Please share any other feedback you may have about the Wikimedia deployment train and backport windows:
G08Q38 In the past year, have you deployed software to Wikimedia’s production Kubernetes infrastructure? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G08Q39 How satisfied are you with software deployment using Wikimedia’s production Kubernetes infrastructure? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not deployed software to Wikimedia's production Kubernetes infrastructure in the past year

G08Q40 How much would you agree with the following statement: Deployments using Wikimedia’s Kubernetes infrastructure are easy and pain-free? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Strongly disagree

◯ Disagree

◯ Neither agree nor disagree

◯ Agree

◯ Strongly agree

◯ I'm not sure

G08Q41 Please share any other feedback you may have about Wikimedia’s Kubernetes production infrastructure:


Code Question Choices
G09Q42 Considering the software projects you’ve contributed to in your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community this past year: What is your perception of the current level of technical debt? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very low

◯ Somewhat low

◯ Neither low nor high

◯ Somewhat high

◯ Very high

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q43 In the past year, how has technical debt affected your productivity as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Technical debt had no effect on my productivity

◯ Technical debt had a minor effect on my productivity

◯ Technical debt had a major effect on my productivity

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q44 How would you rate the quality of the code you maintain in your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very low quality

◯ Somewhat low quality

◯ Neither low nor high quality (neutral)

◯ Somewhat high quality

◯ Very high quality

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q45 How would you rate the quality of third-party code (libraries, language ecosystems) that you depend on in your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very low quality

◯ Somewhat low quality

◯ Neither low nor high quality (neutral)

◯ Somewhat high quality

◯ Very high quality

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q46 In the past year, how has code quality affected your productivity as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Code quality had no effect on my productivity

◯ Code quality had a minor

◯ effect on my productivity

◯ Code quality had a major effect on my productivity

◯ I’m not sure

G09Q47 Please share any other feedback you may have about code quality and technical debt:

Open source

Code Question Choices
G10Q48 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your view of the amount of money, time, and effort Wikimedia spends supporting the open source ecosystem? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ It's far too little ◯ It's somewhat too little ◯ It's about right ◯ It's somewhat too much ◯ It's far too much ◯ I'm not sure

G10Q49 What is your perception of Wikimedia as a free and open source software upstream? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Wikimedia is not a supportive ecosystem ◯ Wikimedia is a somewhat supportive ecosystem ◯ Wikimedia is a very supportive ecosystem ◯ I'm not sure

G10Q50 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your view of Wikimedia’s contribution to third-party projects? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Wikimedia makes no contribution ◯ Wikimedia makes minor contributions ◯ Wikimedia makes major contributions ◯ I'm not sure

G10Q51 Please share any other feedback you may have about Wikimedia’s support for the open source community:


Code Question Choices
G11Q52 Overall, thinking of your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community in the past year, how productive do you feel? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Not at all productive

◯ Not very productive

◯ Moderately productive

◯ Very productive

◯ I'm not sure

G11Q53 Overall, thinking of your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community in the past year, how satisfied are you with the overall Software Development Life Cycle? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G11Q54 Overall, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the Wikimedia Developer Community is: Welcoming

◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree


◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree


◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree


◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree

G11Q55 In your opinion, the most important thing we could do to improve the Wikimedia developer experience in 2023 is...