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From mediawiki.org

The Data³ Dashboard is a web application prototype that is being introduced in December of 2021 to gather feedback from early adopters in order to guide decisions about the future direction of the project. Too see it in action you can check out the Release Engineering Team dashboard as a starting point.

Getting started[edit]

As this is an experimental effort we haven't fleshed out documentation, there is no production deployment and the system could be unstable, buggy, etc. With that said, there are several ways you could engage with the project at this early stage:

  1. Mukunda created a video[1] introduction that outlines the high-level details about this project and features a walk-through covering most of the key features of the dashboard web interface. The markdown source for the slides that were used in the video is also available.[2]
    • The video should provide a good introduction to what this project is about and what progress has been made already.
    • If this project is at all interesting to you then please watch the video. If the video piques your interest further then we welcome you to try out the demo[3] and engage with us further via Phabricator, Slack, email or post your questions to the discussion page on this article.
  2. We would be especially excited if you find new ways to utilize the data, beyond the simple charts and metrics that are currently provided. Mukunda is willing to meet with anyone who is interested in learning how to extend the system with more charts and queries or even more data sources. There is much potential for Data³ far beyond the initial "MVP" metrics.
