Content translation/Deployment Plan/Dev Checklist
[edit]- Add the language as source and target language in config.default.js
- If the language pair has MT, make sure it is configured in config.default.js
- If the language pair has more than one MT, make sure the default one is configured in config.default.js
- If the language pair has Dictionary, make sure it is configured in config.default.js
Content Translation MediaWiki extension
[edit]- Make sure a template configuration exist for the language pair either in common configuration or language pair configuration. At least make sure reference list section is not blacklisted for the language.
[edit]- Make sure a segmentation modules is mapped to the source language.
- If the language pair has MT, make sure the annotation mapping algorithm works for the language. Some languages will require language specific approximate match tuning.
[edit]Add the language to limn dashboard to get beta feature enable stats