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Content translation/Deployment Plan/Archive2

From mediawiki.org

CX Deployment Plan for September 2014

  • Deployment date: Sep 30, 2014
  • Project: Content Translation Framework
  • Initial Release: Beta Feature release July 2014 (Done)
  • What is targeted for September 2014 release:
Content Translation 0.01 release: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Content_translation/Roadmap#Content_Translation_0.01_release
  • Long-term project roadmap:
  • Language Pairs to be supported: Spanish-Catalan, Catalan-Spanish
  • Release as: Beta Feature

Overall Plan


This release includes adding support for Apertium as service (See: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Content_translation/Apertium/Service) and Catalan-Spanish language pair to support article content translation.

System Architecture




Caching Architecture


The following diagram includes the caching requirements for the CX framework:


Components to be provisioned for production


CX server installation and configuration: https://git.wikimedia.org/markdown/mediawiki%2Fservices%2Fcxserver.git/HEAD/README.md

See Setup: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Content_translation/Setup for detailed information about component, installation and configuation and instructions.

  • Node.js
  • Extension dependencies:
    • BetaFeatures
    • CLDR
    • EventLogging
  • Backend Services:
    • Varnish
  • External APIs called by CX:
    • Wikidata
    • Parsoid API
  • Configuration Scripts:
Upstart and Systemd scripts are at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Content_translation/Setup

Provisioning Plan


a. Storage Requirements To be determined from discussion with ops

b. Hardware Requirements To be determined from discussion with ops

c. Bandwidth Requirements To be determined from discussion with ops

d. Performance expectations

  • MT TPS (Transactions per second)
  • User responsiveness
  • MT Round trip
  • General guidelines

Monitoring and metrics

  • EventLogging activity for CX
  • Number of users enabling the feature
  • Performance of S:CX, backend calls?
  • Check for node and varnish? Who to page?
  • Graph showing requests or timings for the WikiData API(s) we are calling
  • Graph showing requests or timings for the Parsoid API(s) we are calling

External Signoffs Required

  • Alex, Mark - Ops
  • Gabriel - Infrastructure architecture
  • Ori - Performance
  • Chris Steipp - Security
  • Greg G - Release engineering
  • Mark - Ops
  • Tim - Platform

LE Team responsibilities

  • Kartik - Deployment, Engineer
  • Niklas - Engineer, Code Reviewer
  • Santhosh - Engineer, Code Reviewer
  • David - Engineer, Code Reviewer
  • Joel - Engineer, Code Reviewer
  • Runa - Team Scrum-Ninja / testing and communications
  • Pau - Feature UX reviewer, designer
  • Amir - Feature signoff
  • Alolita - Engineering coordination, Eng Manager



Current progress, blockers and to-dos