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Community Tech/Retrospectives/2015-11-23

From mediawiki.org

Action items from last time

  • Kaldari: Post retro notes
    • Done
  • Danny to follow up on template/broken gadgets page/board
  • Kaldari: make sure Danny is in all Sprint planning meetings
    • Done 4ever
  • Danny to add a task for gadgets 2.0 documentation
    • Done.
  • Kevin: Plan another workshop
    • Not done; proposed shift from "facilitator-push" to "team-pull"
  • Follow up on "plan to do more stuff similarly, remotely * " (N, F)
    • Stalled until Frances is back from Vienna
  • Frances follow up with Quim
  • Danny to talk to Siko about translation services
    • We didn't need translation services for the Survey, we'll talk about the tech support translation
  • Kaldari to send Danny info about translation services
    • Done

What has gone well?

  • Wikimania scholarship app stuff wrapped up in a day and a half nicely
  • Labs project is setup for Gadgets 2.0 testing
  • Talking with Kunal about Gadget 2.0 stuff went well, made some progress +++
  • Survey seems to be going relatively smoothly
  • CItation bot stuff is mostly wrapped up (seemed like a success)
  • Gadget namespaces and repos done/merged

What could have gone better?

  • Dev work has been a little slow for me this week
  • Last minute planning for CL support on survey
  • Integrate Turnitin task seems stuck -- picked up Nov 2, still in dev
  • Translations for tech survey answers -- only Arabic so far +++
  • Danny needs to pay more attention to email

What else is on your mind?

  • Excited for next phase of the survey
  • Labs instance? Anything else need to be done?
  • Sprint size (26 points this sprint) +++

Deeper discussions

  • Talking with Kunal about Gadget 2.0 stuff went well, made some progress +++
  • Translations for tech survey answers -- only Arabic so far +++
    • Possibly try to involve new outside translators - but they won't know Wiki jargon
  • Sprint size (26 points this sprint) +++
    • Do better at clearing blockers and pulling tasks from backlog when needed
    • Danny suggested daily standups as a possible solution

Action Items

  • Kaldari: Post retro notes
  • Niharika to do code review for Wikimania scholarship app stuff
  • Follow-up on translation needs with CE team: Johan
  • Report about Wikisource conference: Johan (and maybe Frances)
  • Help Frances w Turnitin task if she's stuck: Kaldari
  • Danny: Be more attentive to email
  • Next week - plan when to show people the new GadgetManager
  • better internet service for Kaldari

Retro the retro

  • Went OK without Kevin (but we miss him)
  • Finished early
  • Everything was discussed that was useful to discuss