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Code Health Group/projects/Code Health Metrics/meeting notes/20190415

From mediawiki.org


Attendees: Zeljko, Guillaume, Daniel, JR


* SonarQube PHP analysis rules

** Daniel: Kosta asked Daniel to start looking into rules vis a vie Core.  

*** The rules themselves make sense, but in Core's case they don't necessarily mean the code's broken,  

*** Only just started reviewing,  Will review more.

* Daniel: With Amir's help new potential tool for dependency checking.  Works very quickly and seems to give good information.  

** Paper:https://github.com/zhenv5/breaking_cycles_in_noisy_hierarchies/blob/master/paper/Paper_WebSci_17_Breaking_Cycles_in_Noisy_Hierarchies.pdf

** The list of dependencies the tool provides may have some varience.  

*** https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P8399

** This could be used to clean up WikiData class heirarchy

** Daniel will be writing something up after some additional testing.  More to come.