Code Health Group/20181017
Code Health Group - 20181017
[edit]Attendees: JR, Andre, Erika, Greg, Jon
[edit]Code Health - QCI
[edit]** Generally well received. Â
** Got the sense that some think Code Stewardship is good enough at this point. My data doesn't support this conclusion. Thoughts?
*** Erika: Maybe a better understanding of the role that Code Stewardship plays in the big picture would help level-set everyone
Code Health Metrics Working Group
[edit]Added Kosta Harlan to group
Tasks have been created and activity starting to ramp-up ( Â Â Â Â Â )
#wikimedia-codehealth Freenode IRC channel created - open to all
Thought- increasing velocity through automation of code promotion (based on CHM and tooling).
- Greg: next steps would be to include ORES-like ML to making auto-promotion decisions. Taking into account past history of submittals for that code base for example.
- Erika: developers might not be comfortable having their code promoted without human review
- JR: early on we could make it optional, allowing the submitter to request/require human review.
Code Health Newsletter
[edit]Feedback re "Code Health First Responders" - we're comfortable continuing to use this. Â
Inclusion of volunteers to the CHG. As we are still early in the development of the CHG, we'll hold off on opening it up. However, there will be opportunities for the broader community to help. Using phab tags, we could identify some of them in the future. As participation in these kinds of groups can be difficult for volunteers due to schedule conflicts and other priorities, it probably only makes sense to pull volunteers into the group itself if we get to the point where we have published agendas with predefined topics.
Code Health Office Hours
[edit]Bill Pirkle joined me for the hour. Good chat. Â
For Next Time:
[edit]Andre would like to discuss the topic of Code Reviews in the next sync-up. Will forward email on topic to the entire group. Please think about it prior to the next meeting. Â