Category:Files with unknown copyright status
Administrators, please do not delete this category! This category is automatically populated by {{Unknown copyright}} and so should not be deleted even if empty. |
Please have a look at Free content and Commons:Licensing for more information. Note that all non-software content of has to fit for the GNU Free Documentation License. Images without proper license tags should be added to this category with {{Unknown copyright }}.
This category has the following 35 subcategories, out of 35 total.
The number of included categories (C), pages (P) and files (F) is stated in brackets.
Pages in category "Files with unknown copyright status"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.
Media in category "Files with unknown copyright status"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 457 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
12-wikitech-phpstorm-new-file.png 1,288 × 992; 113 KB
2010-07-12 154154-2.png 596 × 145; 11 KB
2010-07-12 154210-2.png 575 × 201; 17 KB
2011-08-13 01h26 59.png 899 × 157; 14 KB
343.png 1,577 × 757; 96 KB
Accent-folding.png 362 × 182; 9 KB
Additional fields.png 401 × 371; 27 KB
AdvancedMeta-screenshot.png 1,276 × 583; 59 KB
AmMapExtension.png 822 × 564; 60 KB
Android current search.png 720 × 1,280; 73 KB
Anti-Skin-Mockup.png 1,440 × 900; 415 KB
API Explorer screenshot.png 1,212 × 663; 77 KB
API imageinfo live json.png 552 × 726; 67 KB
Applicationscreen.png 600 × 514; 90 KB
Archive External Links Diagram.png 792 × 828; 69 KB
Article assessment nov 8 anon and reg.jpg 895 × 519; 88 KB
Article assessment nov 8 anon short.jpg 889 × 446; 66 KB
Article assessment nov 8 long.jpg 892 × 441; 78 KB
Article feedback - ugly example.gif 1,138 × 1,032; 76 KB
Article feedback anon reg.jpg 1,006 × 545; 112 KB
Article feedback done.jpg 700 × 172; 46 KB
Article-actions-icons2.png 754 × 701; 258 KB
ArticleComment Discussionpage2.PNG 1,508 × 614; 240 KB
Articlecommentserror.png 639 × 599; 71 KB
AuthStack-login-flow1.svg 1,410 × 1,281; 94 KB
Awc upload css error.PNG 931 × 135; 4 KB
BibManager Edit 3.png 706 × 303; 27 KB
BibManager Import.png 713 × 580; 27 KB
BibManager Overview 2.png 695 × 440; 45 KB
Bibprint-bibtex.png 891 × 55; 7 KB
Bibtex-auto-field-checking.png 940 × 213; 21 KB
Bibtexio-bibtex.png 937 × 235; 19 KB
Bibtexio-final.png 910 × 112; 13 KB
BootstrapSS.png 1,186 × 77; 6 KB
Broken z-index WebFonts 90972.png 516 × 267; 26 KB
BucketingFlowchart.png 831 × 660; 70 KB
Bugzilla-reports-screenshot3.png 929 × 268; 72 KB
Button rs.png 23 × 22; 797 bytes
Button translate da.png 116 × 22; 570 bytes
Calendar day.JPG 550 × 165; 11 KB
Capture 05012009 050731.png 724 × 390; 11 KB
Capture 06132011 010842.png 907 × 137; 4 KB
Capture 09092016 170355.png 2,080 × 830; 249 KB
Capture 2.png 899 × 928; 50 KB
Capture 3.png 789 × 391; 33 KB
Cargo-exhibit-r1.JPG 338 × 195; 38 KB
Cargo-exhibit-r2.JPG 635 × 199; 88 KB
Cargo-request-barchart-links.JPG 732 × 192; 63 KB
Categorize.png 826 × 274; 34 KB
Category selection for new page.png 502 × 411; 17 KB
CategorySuggest Wiki 1 12 img01.jpg 783 × 167; 19 KB
CategorySuggest Wiki 1 12 img02.jpg 857 × 243; 41 KB
ChromeMenu.jpg 352 × 106; 6 KB
Code Editor button with bug.png 358 × 159; 12 KB
CodeBrowserScreenShot.png 685 × 602; 68 KB
CodeILR Example1.png 689 × 104; 5 KB
CodeILR Example2.png 1,106 × 137; 6 KB
CognitiveProcess Logo.png 310 × 146; 25 KB
CollaborationDataFlow.svg 640 × 480; 22 KB
CollapsiUsage1.png 1,664 × 762; 52 KB
CollapsmiUsage2.png 1,666 × 746; 52 KB
Comparison diff view.png 1,054 × 574; 184 KB
Comparison launch.png 706 × 548; 70 KB
Comparison summary.png 545 × 476; 75 KB
ConferenceSetup(four-two).png 710 × 690; 63 KB
ConferenceSetup(four).png 721 × 637; 56 KB
ConferenceSetup(one).png 688 × 626; 51 KB
ConferenceSetup(three).png 744 × 647; 54 KB
ConferenceSetup(two).png 726 × 640; 59 KB
ConventionExtension Architecture.png 960 × 540; 31 KB
ConventionExtension-Workflow.png 1,206 × 557; 39 KB
Copyingfiles.png 516 × 441; 61 KB
Createapage-breakage.png 739 × 23; 5 KB
Createpage.png 769 × 199; 17 KB
Cumulus message.jpg 648 × 285; 23 KB
CX2-regression-testing-checklist v2.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 9 pages; 490 KB
DAEMonRaco-logo.png 1,729 × 1,153; 61 KB
Dashboard-activity.png 954 × 586; 64 KB
Dashboard-applicant-sponsor.png 995 × 581; 58 KB
Dashboard-attendees.png 1,082 × 652; 80 KB
Dashboard-speakers.png 921 × 546; 59 KB
Dashboard-submissions.png 831 × 603; 58 KB
Dashboard-voting.png 973 × 616; 70 KB
Database fig1.png 1,441 × 600; 52 KB
Database fig3.png 1,455 × 603; 52 KB
Database fig4.png 1,235 × 688; 86 KB
Database fig5.png 1,234 × 683; 86 KB
Database-fig2.png 1,250 × 678; 71 KB
Database-fig6.png 1,480 × 669; 92 KB
Database-fig7.png 1,467 × 670; 91 KB
Db.png 1,448 × 342; 14 KB
Demo DataImport.png 800 × 459; 148 KB
DependencyAnalyzer.gif 378 × 331; 26 KB
Diagramma-di-Pareto-Lorenzo-Cucchini.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 69 KB
DinamicMenu.png 1,280 × 800; 101 KB
DonationInterface DoTransaction.jpg 675 × 900; 107 KB
Download.JPG 448 × 516; 25 KB
DPL empty line headline.jpg 897 × 255; 49 KB
DPL-query-template-example (for pinkgothic's DPL userpage).png 576 × 302; 23 KB
Duallistbox.jpg 935 × 519; 28 KB
Dulcepollomil.JPG 753 × 611; 123 KB
Echo Problem omidh.png 1,680 × 1,050; 217 KB
Edit icon.gif 11 × 12; 539 bytes
Editor.jpg 721 × 615; 98 KB
Edittoolbar-button type.PNG 548 × 127; 10 KB
EditToolBar-new-default-version.png 899 × 433; 32 KB
EjemploOpcional.jpg 1,597 × 731; 168 KB
ELearnwareEditor.jpg 180 × 154; 24 KB
Embed pdf2.jpg 569 × 96; 25 KB
Embed pdf3.jpg 516 × 567; 160 KB
Embedpdf 1.jpg 216 × 77; 12 KB
Empty wiki web site.png 1,271 × 634; 47 KB
EMWCon Spring 2016 - Making cool directories.pdf 1,654 × 1,239, 6 pages; 47 KB
EMWCon2017.png 3,578 × 3,759; 2.05 MB
EMWCon2017MITRE4.png 1,116 × 1,098; 600 KB
Enabeling MathML support in Firefox.png 960 × 1,030; 129 KB
End of list and section heading line spacing discrepancy.png 118 × 202; 2 KB
Engineering support for the Wikipedia Education Program.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 7 pages; 416 KB
Entering-bibtex-info.png 924 × 636; 52 KB
Entering-bibtex.png 922 × 642; 61 KB
ENWP-ShortURL.png 255 × 42; 11 KB
EPubExport logo.png 135 × 135; 21 KB
EPubExport SpecialPage.jpg 693 × 578; 55 KB
Error displaying graphics file.PNG 638 × 202; 10 KB
ErrorMediaWiki.png 1,281 × 828; 183 KB
EUV Admin page 03.PNG 825 × 960; 172 KB
Eva display.JPG 1,032 × 647; 53 KB
EXIF with misleading formatnum conversion.png 340 × 460; 6 KB
Export as ePub.jpg 480 × 465; 69 KB
ExtAvatarScreenshot1.png 856 × 598; 217 KB
ExtAvatarScreenshot2.png 600 × 63; 9 KB
Extension QuickLink screenshot.png 536 × 422; 99 KB
Extension-collaboration-diagram-circo-skin.png 898 × 635; 88 KB
Extension-ElmEasyRef-Logo.png 140 × 106; 19 KB
Extension-ElmEasyRef-Screen1.jpg 555 × 235; 45 KB
Extension-ElmEasyRef-stdlook.jpg 402 × 190; 22 KB
Extension-GBrowseImage example.png 350 × 138; 2 KB
Extension-GroupManager(BlueSpice)-navigation.png 270 × 390; 10 KB
Extension-JSBreadCrumb-Issue-1.jpg 778 × 78; 9 KB
Extension-StateBar(BlueSpice)-extended.png 915 × 291; 18 KB
Extension-WikiAdmin(BlueSpice).png 906 × 465; 28 KB
ExtensionDiscussionThreadingTest.png 1,044 × 214; 60 KB
ExtensionMantisintegration.jpg 600 × 161; 16 KB
Extensions-SocialSideBar.jpg 153 × 116; 4 KB
EzMwLucene PDF Logo Bug.png 611 × 770; 102 KB
Feedback tfa.jpg 500 × 493; 12 KB
Fehler2.PNG 820 × 257; 98 KB
FileList screenshot large.png 1,346 × 638; 107 KB
FileStructureOfSolr.GIF 267 × 528; 10 KB
Filter Chains.svg 458 × 584; 62 KB
Finalscreen.png 516 × 441; 55 KB
Firefox Feedback Addon.png 628 × 668; 114 KB
Flow-mixed threading.png 846 × 707; 40 KB
Funky dupe markings.png 860 × 790; 204 KB
Gerrit-cant merge path conflict.png 1,920 × 1,080; 263 KB
Gerrit-Iaa14d61e-diff-reedy.png 1,365 × 617; 62 KB
Git diff --cached.png 394 × 253; 11 KB
Git diff.png 393 × 255; 11 KB
Git mylog alias.png 684 × 320; 66 KB
Git notes - NOLA Hackathon 2011.oga 1 h 44 min 26 s; 35.74 MB
Git-cheat-sheet.svg 990 × 765; 162 KB
GMWSkin.png 700 × 700; 221 KB
Google Maps Extension Toolbar Icon.gif 23 × 22; 411 bytes
Google this article name1.png 742 × 301; 14 KB
Google this article name2.png 681 × 316; 16 KB
Googlemaps513.jpg 767 × 574; 170 KB
GoogleTranslateDK.jpg 812 × 73; 14 KB
Gsoc.png 577 × 535; 28 KB
Gzip compression efficiency graph.png 450 × 320; 9 KB
HeaderTabs Screenshot.jpg 1,283 × 125; 22 KB
Heuristic Evaluation of media picker, ve on desktop.pdf 1,500 × 843, 17 pages; 591 KB
Heuristic Evaluation of visual editing on mobile (Oct'15).pdf 1,500 × 843, 15 pages; 1.02 MB
Honeycomb app mockup.png 1,280 × 800; 292 KB
Icon-arrow-active.gif 12 × 12; 67 bytes
Icon-arrow-inactive.gif 12 × 12; 843 bytes
Ics-possible-search.png 720 × 1,280; 92 KB
Ics-possible-splitbar.png 720 × 1,280; 350 KB
Ics-possible-tablet.png 1,280 × 800; 256 KB
IDProvider API Example.png 1,043 × 638; 23 KB
Image Gallery Screenshot.png 1,019 × 694; 40 KB
Imagep.png 943 × 284; 20 KB
Infoerror1.jpg 1,105 × 588; 99 KB
InlineStyleColumnCountProblem.png 335 × 674; 93 KB
InscriptForAssamese.png 1,000 × 248; 42 KB
InscriptForGujarati.png 1,001 × 242; 41 KB
Intech screenone.jpg 1,006 × 569; 214 KB
Intech screenthree.jpg 1,006 × 569; 224 KB
Intech screentwo.jpg 1,006 × 569; 220 KB
Integrationwikimediaci-architecture-isolation.svg 512 × 303; 397 KB
IPhone home screen with Wikipedia bookmark.jpg 320 × 484; 70 KB
IssueTrackerList.jpg 504 × 249; 38 KB
JqPlotBarExample.PNG 620 × 289; 11 KB
JQuery-tabs-screen-1.gif 596 × 263; 17 KB
Kan01repo02.JPG 657 × 566; 75 KB
Kittenauth.png 396 × 164; 42 KB
Knapper.jpg 341 × 86; 6 KB
Lampstack directory.png 516 × 391; 24 KB
Lampstack passwd.png 516 × 391; 22 KB
Lampstack welcome.png 516 × 391; 40 KB
LampstackCopyingfiles.png 516 × 391; 27 KB