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From mediawiki.org

List of extensions with status "unknown"


Status means: Status is unknown.

Number of Extensions here: 224

Name Type MW Version Version / Date Author
APF - Advanced Page Functions parser function 1.14, 1.15 Beta 0.3 Marilou Sargado
Updated and internationalized versions of some of the most commonly used page functions
Add Button page action Assela Pathirana
Adds buttons to the edit toolbar.
AdvancedRandom special 1.14 0.2 Ævar ArnfjörĂ° Bjarmason
Get a random page from any namespace, the talk or subjectpage of which links to a given page.
AfterEditRedirect 1.8.2 tested user:jldupont
Provides the capability to specify a page for redirect after the completion of an "edit/submit" operation.
AjaxQueryPages 1.12alpha+
Add some AJAX to QueryPages such as Special:Shortpages
This (simple) extension could be used for your booksources response page to offer the requested books via Amazon. The extension will output the given Amazon Affiliate Code.
AmazonAssociates Bradford Knowlton
Allows to display Amazon books using a combination of the Amazon web service and the Amazon Associates program.
Annotation special, database, user activity n/a Pre-Alpha
Analysis of the wikitext history to determine who authored what text and when.
Ascii Translit Extension created on 1.6.8 0.0.2 User:Vitas
Human readable URL while title contains non-Ascii chars.
Attribute Extension tag, special 1.8, 1.7.1, 1.5.8 0.4 Xypron
Add attribute tag
AuthDrupal 1.11.x 0.6.1 Mitch Schwenk, Maarten van Dantzich
Uses Drupal as signin master
BibleRef 1.2 Matt Dolan http://mgdproductions.co.uk
This extension allows you to easily link Bible references to the Bible text at BibleGateway.com.
BibliaVulgata 1.0 Marjorie Burghart
Links a Bible reference to the text of the latin Vulgata Clementina at Vulsearch
Bibtex 1.5 - 1.10 0.9.1
Display of bibtex formatted references.
Blacklist 1.10 1.0 Jeremy Pyne
Restricts access to specified pages by adding a robust blacklist option to MediaWiki.
Blahtex 1.6alpha 0.4.4
TeX to MathML converter.
BlockTitles 1.6+ 0.1 Travis Derouin
allows users to block the creation or editing of articles with certain title names
Boilerplate 1.6.8 - 1.11.0 0.0.3 User:RouslanZenetl
Load boilerplate text for a brand new page.
BookInformation Rob Church
Expands the book sources special page with information from a web service
Bookmarking 2 tag
BreadCrumbs > 1.9 0.1 Manuel Schneider
Shows the users path through the wiki.
CMS-WIKI-like Sbrunner
The goal is to create a CMS that it can be is easily used by anyone, Compared to a classic CMS (content management system) where the editor interface is really different to the site, making it not so evident where to start.
CSO PassThru tag
Add a tag to allow to put unchecked HTML inside <CSO_PassThru> tag
CSO Security for extensions example
details a few methods for restricting or securing extensions
CSO SiteAd tag tag
Add a <CSO_SiteAd> to to put ads—forms, Javascript, HTML—safely inside wiki pages
CSO Source tag tag
Add a <CSO_Source> to highlight text
CSO iFrame tag tag
Add a <CSO_iFrame> to use frames
CSS Dropdowns Michael180
CSS based drop-downs for MediaWiki to live in the Sitenotice (the area at the top of the page) They are pure CSS (no javascript!!) and work in IE7 and Gecko based browsers like Firefox. In addition the edges are rounded in Gecko based browsers.
CategoryIntersection Magnus Manske
Maintains a table with hash values for category intersections within a page
Chat phpFreeChat special, ajax
special page providing chat services run by phpFreeChat
CheckuserPages user rights 1.13 1.0 Edward
Add 'checkuser only read' protect namespaces for private information
Chemistry Dirk Beetstra
ClientSide Trevor Parscal
ColList 1.9.3 1.1.0 JulieC
A way to easily put a list of short items in columns (actually, a table).
Adds a commentbox to certain pages
CommunityVoice 0.1.0 Trevor Parscal
ConditionalTemplate parser function, extended syntax tested on 1.8.2 and 1.10 check SVN @ download link user:jldupont
Enables the conditional execution of a template.
Contributionseditcount Ævar ArnfjörĂ° Bjarmason
Displays an edit count on the user contributions page
CountEdits special, user activity Rob Church
Displays the edit counts of a specified user or the users with the most edits on a wiki.
Crosswiki Blocking special 1.0alpha VasilievVV
Provides a special page to block users on other wikis
CustomCategory mywiki 1.10.x - 1.14.0 0.1-SNAPSHOT
Allows to customize category display, to display sortkey for document instead of their unique title
DBDiagram tag 1.5, 1.6 1.1.0
A syntax for creating pretty database schema documentation
Data tag, parser function, database, special 0.2 Nikola Smolenski
Enables getting and setting of data in the articles.
Date Formatter 1.7 1.0 Rob Church
Refactors unlinked dates according to the user's preference
DeleteQueue Andrew Garrett
Creates a queue-based system for managing deletion
Create a del.icio.us tagometer badge
Discuz_AutoAuthenticate 1.13.0 1.0 Roy Lee
dumpHTML 1.12.0+ Tim Starling
Creates a simple HTML dump of a MediaWiki installation.
DynamicFunctions 1.0 Ross McClure
This extension defines an additional set of parser functions.
DynamicPageList2 tag, parser function 1.8.2 0.8.1 Unendlich, Dangerville, Amgine, IlyaHaykinson, Gero Scholz
Enhancement of DynamicPageList. Generates dynamic article list using logical operations on categories/namespaces and much more display options.
Dynamic Article List Zengji
DynamicArticleList is a Mediawiki 1.5 extension. It is designed to provide add-on sort ability among all posted articles. Now four types of Dynamic Article List have been implemented.
  1. Newly Posted Articles
  2. Recently Updated Articles
  3. Recent Discussions
  4. Most Popular Articles

User could easily find the latest or most popular topics cross site with the help of Dynamic Article List.

Dynamic Article List for PHP4 Shannon McNaught
DynamicCategoryMap tag 1.5
provide add-on navigation ability across the whole site
Email Digest MHart
Emails a user their watchlist
Email Link Juerd
Turns email addresses into links
Email notification 3.08 Wikinaut
E-mail notification (ENotif) - a scheme allowing for page change or creation notifications sent as e-mail (listed as enhancement bugzilla 454) and

E-mail address confirmation (EConfirm) - a mechanism to confirm the stored e-mail address by mailing a link (enhancement bugzilla

Embed Media
Allow inline use of other media.
Emu user identity
Allows MediaWiki to authenticate against a remote Drupal 4.6/ 4.7 site.
Enforce Correct Virtual Host Xypron
A default servername is defined. Requests with other servernames are redirected to default server name.
Enscript Tested on 1.8.2. 0.2 Yedidia Klein
Syntax highlight code using GNU Enscript
Provides mathmatical functions for MediaWiki
Events special
provides the ability to create events on any page of your MediaWiki
Expand After created on 1.8.2. 0.0.1 User:Vitas
Allows to expand content in <tags> in templates.
Export by category 1.6 alexp700 (Modifier)
export a group of pages by category name
ExtensionDistributor Tim Starling
Distributes extensions from www.mediawiki.org
An extension to provide common functions for other extensions
FLVPlayer 1.0 Christopher Ottley
This extension allows the display of flv movies within a wiki using the FlowPlayer FLV movie player.
FLVPlayer 1.1 Raju Shah
This extension allows the display of flv movies within a wiki using the FlowPlayer FLV movie player (Version 3.1.0) - It is based upon FLVPlayer.
Farmer 1.12
FaviconLink 1.0 FlappySocks
Grabs the favicon from the site you are linking to, and puts it in front of the link
FileIndexer 1.8
FileLink 0.2 Assela
Automates the creation of file:// links prompting user to select a file using a dialog.
FileProtocolLinks 0.2 EdmundMielach
highlights links to local filesystem
FileProtocolLinksSMB 0.1 Dan Sinclair
highlights links to local filesystems via SMB Protocol
FilterTitles 1.8.2 1.0 user:jldupont
Add blog tools to a MW installation.
Flash Extension tag
embeds widget that displays flash movies
Flash Video 0.0 Brigitte Jellinek
This extension helps you display a list of video files,

with navigation by cue points.

Flash swf tag 0.2 Brigitte Jellinek
embeds a widget that plays flash movies
Flashow tag
embeds a widget that runs flash movies
Flickrm 1.7 0.1 Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
Special page to show your Flickr photos.
Flowchart User:Ruudschramp
Allows making ASCII art drawing of protocol flows
FormTools 1.8.2 1.0 user:jldupont
Enables the processing of posted HTML forms in MediaWiki.
FormatEmail 1.6+ 0.1 Travis Derouin
Allows custom headers/footers to be added to user to user emails.
Forum extension database, special, tag 1.4 0.4 Zem
small forum extension
Fotonotes skin, tag 1.7.1 Dallan
Full Local Image 1.6.5 Daniel Friesen
Creates 2 parserfunctions. Localimage and Fullimage, they work similar to the Localurl and Fullurl functions except they return the path to a image not a article.
GISWiki kwBreadCrumbs Mediawiki 1.53 + Sebastien Barre (+Heinz-Josef LĂŒcking)
allows you to dynamically create a "trace" of the pages you

have visited so far. This trace is displayed as a small list of links that can typically be positionned at the top of a page. Additional parameters can be specified to control the layout of the list and specify how many pages should be "remembered".

Gallery2wiki 1.10+ 2.2 Andres Obrero
insert images from galery2
GalleryRemoteAlbum User:Ghing
GeSHiColor MediaWiki 1.5.1 or newer
This extension adds color to source code using GeSHi
GeSHiHighlight User:Largos
This extension allows syntax highlighting using GeSHi
GeSHiHighlight (Ajqnic) 1.4+ Andrew Nicol
GeoRSS Extension tag, interface 0.1 Mikel Maron
An easy geotagging interface, with GeoRSS syndication.
Geoserver Extension 1.11 0.1 Jens Frank
An extension to add maps to wiki articles and to store wiki articles in a spatial database
This extension allows you to manage a free network with its maps and its nodes.
Gis tag Egil Kvaleberg
implements <geo> tags, Map sources and Neighbors functions.
Go diagrams
Allow to display go diagrams in MediaWiki
Allows to insert a Google search form in your wiki page.
Google AdSense 1.8.2 and up 3.0 Paul Gu
This extension allows you add Google search, Google text ads with different Google channels.
GoogleAjax ajax 1 Bryden Smith
To add a google search to the search results page using the Google Ajax API
Google Calendar 1.8.2 and up Kasper Souren
This extension allows you add Google Calendar to wiki pages"
GoogleVideo 1.0 Sylvain Machefert
This extension allows to display Google Videos in your wiki.
Google Calendar 1.13 (should also work with previous versions) Bastian Schaefer
Add Google Calendar to your Wiki.
Google Sitemap Extension 1.7.1 0.0.5 User:Francois.Boutines
Adds a special page to create meaningful Google Sitemaps.
Graph tag
takes a textual graph description between <graph> </graph> tags and turns it into a pretty flowchart diagram.
GraphViz Coffman
Render Graphs online
Group Based AccessControl user rights, tag 1.11.0 and higher 0.8 Martin Gondermann
Extension to restrict access to specific pages based on groups.
Hidden pages
Create new namespaces that can be accesible only by some users
Hyper Estraier User:Tietew
Search wikicontent using Hyper Estraier
ImageFooter '0.1' VolodyA! V Anarhist
Adds a text footer at the bottom of the image uploaded
ImageMap (Alternate) 1.9 0.0 Michael Daly
Implements Image map as a superset of existing imagemap extensions
Inline SVG
InstantCommons Suuch
Enable use of Wikimedia Commons as media source
InteriaVideo 1.0 Michal "Dinth" Gawronski
Display Interia Video from interia.pl
KidsEditor ? ? Mihu
Kw article time stamp
Kw bread crumbs
Shows the users path through the wiki.
Kw include file
Kw site map
LO ParserFunctions parser, parser function > 1.6.8 N/A Tim Starling (this extraction from his ParserFunctions extension is maintained by David M. Sledge)
A collection of parser functions such as expression handling and time calculation unit.
LastFm 0.2 Guy Taylor
Adds Last.fm player to a page with the <lastfm> tag.
LifeMarks tag, database developed on 1.6.8 0.2.0 User:Bakerq
Mark notable dates and events for collection and display
LinkFloatie User:Peckyoke
LiveSaver 1.6 0.1
Save user-input over browser crashes and other accidents.
LockTitle special, database, user rights 1.8+ 0.99.0 Carl FĂŒrstenberg
Enables locking of certain titles to prohibit unprivileged users to create said page
Mailman User:Mohrr
Creates a mailman subscribe form
Mass User Import user identity 1.14 0.4
Mass add users from a CSV.
MathStatFunction > 1.8 1.1
Addition of math-specific and statistic specific parser functions.
Memotoo.com and MediaWiki 1.13 (should also work with previous versions) Thomas Pequet
Display your Memotoo data (address book, calendar, bookmarks, ...) on your MediaWiki
MenuTabs Robert Castley
Create pages with "Tabs"
MetaKeywords Conrad.Irwin
Allows configuration of site's <meta "keywords"> and <meta "description"> tags per namespace
MostPopular special 1.15.1 0.0.0
Displays the all pages in order of most page views in a certain time period. Also displays the number of views.
Mp3 Sylvain Machefert
Streams MP3s
MscGen Ruud Schramp
This extension allows to display Message Sequence Chart's.
Multilanguage tag, locale > 1.5.6 ? 0.2 Serenity
A multilanguage extension
My portal database, mywiki Shannon McNaught
My Portal is a MediaWiki hack, it is NOT a MediaWiki extension, that allows users to have a custom portal page like MyGoogle, MyYahoo, etc. It is a modified version of Simplortal (simplortal.bzzt.net) .
NSFileRepo 1.15.1
NagiosStatus Shannon McNaught (smcnaught)
Allows the wiki server to pull Nagios status information.
NamespacePermissions Petr Andreev
provides flexible access management for custom namespaces
Link 1.6.7 and above 1.0.0 Aretai
Creates a link to a network location.
Newest Pages Blog 1.1 User:Benjaminbradleym:User:intersol
Adds an includable special page to MediaWiki

which shows the most recently created or updated pages on the wiki, in weblog format.

NiceCategoryList Kichik
NoCache tag
NotEvil $wgFilterCallback
Block any edit which contains a url, unless the user is on the Not Evil list.
NukeHtmlPhp tag, page action Jean-Lou Dupont
This extension enables the conditional removal replacement of the following tags <html> <php> <runphp> from article being saved. Potential security issues can thus be managed.
OpenSearch special, search 1.5.x and 1.6.x 0.2
OpenSearch support for MediaWiki
Open Office Export nad
Sorry, but development of OO-export has stopped

You may find Extension:Pdf Book and/or Extension:Pdf Export useful instead

PDF tag
Set up MediaWiki to react to the "<PDF>" tag
renames files from .php to .php5
PageProtectionPlus tag, special page 1.8.0 - 1.9.1 2.3b
Protect areas and sections from access
Page access restriction Jej
Adds a restrict tab to the page bar so that authorized users can decide who may view that page.
PayPal 1.0.2 Peter De Decker
Creates a PayPal button, which leads user to your PayPal-Donation-Site.
Pingbox 1.5+ Brice Vandeputte
Point-Mapping tag Heinz-Josef LĂŒcking
Permit to geolocalise locations on a map
PollDaddy tag 1.3 Jabberwock @ Lostpedia
An extension that allows embedding of polldaddy.com polls into MediaWiki
Postcomment 1.6+ 0.1 Travis Derouin
Allows users to post comments directly to discussion pages.
PovWatch special 1.11+ 1.1.1 Tim Starling
Extension for pushing articles on to the watchlists of other users.
PunBB Authentication 1.0 Bradley Bell
Auto-authenticates PunBB users
PurgePage 1.3+ Andrew Nicol
Allows for the easy implementation of keeping a page uncached.
PwAuthPlugin 1.0 Nicholas J. Humfrey
This extension allows you to authenticate wiki users using your systems password database.
Quicktime tag
provides a tag that embeds Quicktime movies
Quota special
RDF tag, special 1.6, 1.14 Evan Prodromou
Flexible framework that goes beyond the ability of the code described at RDF metadata
RandomInCategory special r40488
special page to direct the user to a random page in specified category
Recent Activity Notify user activity, notify 1.15 1.1 Choshi
Sends an email to selected users, for actions from new or anonymous users.
Recent Changes Cleanup interface, special 1.15 1.0 Choshi
Allows sysops to hide any line in the RC page. See description for more detail.
Recent changes
Require Editor Privilege Extension 1.3 Xypron
Two new user groups are introduced: Readers can read any article that a user could read in a standard wiki, Editors can do anything a user could do in a standard wiki.
RestrictTalk Aaron Axelsen
Allow permissions to be restricted for "talk" namespaces
Ricks Google Maps 1.7.1 (others?) 001 alpha Rick
RomanNumerals 1.6.3+, 1.7.0+, 1.8-alpha 0.2
Converting Arabic numerals into Roman numerals
SCIJAX page action
provides server side spellchecking for form editing boxes
SMF Auth Lite Integration 1.0 DIN1031 (german wikipedia) (not sure if this correct)?
Authentication for SMF forums, (simple machines forum) ?
SMF AutoAuthenticate
SQLselect 1.9 1.0 stixuser
Embed the output of an SQL query in a wiki page
ScreenPlay tag, special CJ Niemira
Allows to use MediaWiki as a screen writing tool.
Secure HTML tag, user rights 1.5+ Ryan Finnie
This extension allows to display aribtrary HTML on a wiki securely.
Semantic Mappoint media, database 1.11 or greater 0.1 Andreas Wombacher
Semantic Mappoint is an extension to Semantic MediaWiki to query semantic information and depict it in a geo-referenced image. This extension is based on Extension:Point-Mapping extended by semantic query options.
SemanticSignup special, tag 1.11.* or greater 0.2.0 Diamat mnkutster@gmail.com
This extension tweaks user registration process in order to make

users populate their user pages with semantic data at registration time.

ShowHide Nikola Smolenski
This extension enables creation of wiki elements which could be shown and hidden.
SimpleUpdate Amir Szekely
This extension allows updating page with just one URL hit.
Skype Button 1.5.x 2.1a Guy Taylor
Render Skype Button showing users online status
Soundex tag 0.1 Kurt M. Weber
Generates soundex codes with <soundex></soundex> tag
SpamDiffTool user activity, page action 1.6+ 0.1 Travis Derouin
allows users to add entries to the Spam blacklist right off of a diff page
Special:UserScore special, user activity 1.6.3 or later 1.1 Mathias Feindt
User score as measured by number of contributions
Strip Markup tag Steve Sanbeg
Strip Wiki and HTML markup from text
Sub Page List 2 1.7.1 or above 1.0
Sub Page List 2 is an extension that automaticaly creates a list of the subpages of a page. The dynamic created list will be created automatically on every edit of the page where the SubPageList element is given.
Submit In Toolbar 1.8.2 0.0.2 Vitas
Adds Save,Preview,Diff buttons to Toolbar.
SyntaxHighlight GeSHi extension User:Sonnygauran
Extends the function of SyntaxHighlight GeSHi with a file/url as a file source. No more Copy-Pasting of code.
Syntax Highlighting Lucas Hrabovsky
A really simple way for you to add syntax highlighting to your wiki posts with support with several languages. The extension requires the Beautifier Syntax Highlighting Engine (Link broken?). What the extension does is pass the tag inputs and/or arguements to the Beautifier Highlighting engine and returns the HTML output.
SysopSidebar 1.9
TagParser 1.8 to 1.11 (not needed in 1.12) 0.1.2 René Kijewski
Making expressions in <tags> available by parser function
manage creating, processing, and closing tasks for a page
This extension allows you to put technorati tags into wiki pages.
TemplateTable C. Shaun Wagner
Make a table from template data
Uniwiki Format Changes
Reformats the recent changes
Uniwiki Format FormatSearch
Cleans up the search results page
Urlencode 1.6.10 w:User:Dmb000006 ??
performs the exact same function as the PHP function of the exact same name. See External Links for clarification. The string passed to the extension for urlencoding is first parsed by the wiki engine to evaluate any code. See Usage for clarification.
Urllogger Aerik Sylvan
Script to log added URLs to a text file.
UserFunctions 1.2 Algorithm
Provides a set of dynamic parser functions that trigger on the current user.
UserMagic extended syntax, mywiki 1.7+ 1.0 Algorithm
Defines several username-producing magic words.
VBulletin Users Integration
VBulletin stats tag
Vanilla Authentication 1.6+ Daniel Gravenor
Kai Backman
VideoFlash 1.6.8 or above 1.2 Alberto Sarullo, SignpostMarv Martin
VideoFlash is an extension that displays videos from Youtube, GoogleVideo, Dailymotion, Sevenload, Revver and similar services
wclEditor 1.6.x wcl/mw-extension (0.1.0b) 2006
visual client-side editor for MediaWiki
WebDAV / DeltaV / Subversion interface to MediaWiki articles
WebStore Tim Starling
Web-only (non-NFS) file storage middleware. It is needed by the ProofreadPage extension.
Whos online tag, user activity Shannon McNaught
A quick and dirty implementation of WhosOnline for MediaWiki. This script was created for a user within the #MediaWiki IRC channel. This version displays the number of Guests and Registered users online.
Wiki2xml Magnus Manske
Converts markup fragments or whole articles to XML and from XML to other stuff.
WikiMindMap need at least 1.12 0.9a2 Eric Larcher
Adds a special page to show a Mind Map of a searched article.
WikiMusicGuide MusicStream wikiwebguide
WikiMusicGuide Free Music Streaming Service
WikiTex tag 1.7 wikitex Laszlo Csirmaz
Enter math inside $..$
Perl script written to generate a MediaWiki-format table showing a calendar month, with links for each day to a subpage from the displayed page.
wikidiff 1.4
PHP extension to do fast diffs for MediaWiki
wikidiff2 1.6 Tim Starling
Faster diff plugin for MediaWiki under PHP 5
Wildcard search 1.6.7 and higher Fork of this - copied 22/7/07 Assela Pathirana
Adds wildcard search capability
XFeed - RSS Feed Aggregator
Add a <xfeeds> tag
YouTube Sylvain Machefert
<youtube> parser tag for displaying YouTube videos on a MediaWiki.
YouTube (emijrp) tag
provides tag for embedding YouTube videos