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Article feedback/Version 5/Test Plan

From mediawiki.org

AFT v5 test plan


Sanity tests


SAN-001: Feedback form rendering (anonymous user)



  1. Verify correct rendering of the article and appearance of a feedback interface form
  2. Verify consistency of the bucketing mechanism for anonymous users
Step Expected result
1 Log out from mediawiki (if logged in) Login/profile toolbar on top reflects the user is not logged in
2 Open a wiki page
  1. The page renders correctly
  2. A feedback interface (any of them) is rendered below the article
3 Open another wikipedia article The interface option rendered is the same as in step 2

SAN-002: Feedback form rendering (logged in user)


Purpose: verify consistency of the bucketing mechanism for logged in users Prerequisite: clear mediawiki cookies after execution of previous tests

Step Expected result
1 Log in to mediawiki Login/profile toolbar on top reflects your login
2 Open a wiki page
  1. The page renders correctly
  2. A feedback interface (any of them) is rendered below the article
3 Open another wikipedia article The interface option rendered is the same as in step 2

Compatibility/conflicts tests


The purpose of these tests is to ensure no conflicts exist between the AFTv5 and other MediaWiki functionality, including AFTv4.

COMP-001: layout and content compatibility with an article


COMP-002: compatibility with a special page


COMP-003: compatibility with AFTv4


Feedback option 1 tests


The purpose of these tests is to verify correct functionality of feedback interface option 1 (yes/no + comment)

FB1-001: UI and functional test (full feedback)

Step Expected result
1 Log in to mediawiki Login/profile toolbar on top reflects your login
2 Open a wiki page with URL GET parameter bucket=1
  1. Feedback interface option 1 is rendered at the bottom of the page
  2. Submit button is disabled
  3. Yes/No buttons: neither is checked
  4. Comment box is empty
3 Hover the mouse over the yes/no buttons Button hover state is visualized
4 Select the "Yes" button
  1. "Yes" button's checked state is visualized
  2. The comment box shows a grayed-out placeholder text, as defined for the "Yes" button
  3. The submit button is enabled
5 Select the "No" button
  1. "No" buttons checked state is visualized
  2. "Yes" button is unchecked, and its unchecked state is visualized
  3. The comment box shows a grayed-out placeholder text, different than the "Yes" button's text
  4. The submit button is enabled
6 Fill in a comment text
  1. Text is visible in the comment box
  2. Yes/No button state remains as it was
  3. Submit button is enabled
7 Click on the Submit button
  1. Feedback is submitted without page refresh
  2. The relevant CTA is displayed

FB1-002: UI and functional test (partial feedback)

Step Expected result
1 Repeat steps 1, 2 from FB1-001 Same as FB1-001
2 Select the "Yes" button
  1. "Yes" button's checked state is visualized
  2. The comment box shows a grayed-out placeholder text, as defined for the "Yes" button
  3. The submit button is enabled
3 Click on the Submit button
  1. Feedback is submitted without page refresh
  2. The relevant CTA is displayed

Feedback option 2 tests


The purpose of these tests is to verify correct functionality of feedback interface option 2 (yes/no + comment)

FB2-001: UI and functional test (full feedback)

Step Expected result
1 Log in to mediawiki Login/profile toolbar on top reflects your login
2 Open a wiki page with URL GET parameter bucket=2
  1. Feedback interface option 2 is rendered at the bottom of the page
  2. Submit button is enabled
  3. First tab is selected by default
  4. Comment displays a grayed-out placeholder text relevant for tab 1 (selected tab)
3 Hover the mouse over the non-selected tabs Tabs' hover state is visualized
4 Select the second tab
  1. The second tab's checked state is visualized
  2. The comment box shows a grayed-out placeholder text relevant for the selected tab
  3. The submit button is enabled
5 Repeat step 4 for the third and fourth tabs
  1. The selected tab's checked state is visualized
  2. The comment box shows a grayed-out placeholder text relevant for the selected tab
  3. The submit button is enabled
6 Fill in a comment text
  1. Text is visible in the comment box
  2. Tab selection remains as it was
  3. Submit button is enabled
7 Click on the Submit button
  1. Feedback is submitted without page refresh
  2. The relevant CTA is displayed

FB2-002: UI and functional test (partial feedback)

Step Expected result
1 Repeat steps 1, 2 from FB1-001 Same as FB1-001
2 Select the second tab
  1. The second tab's checked state is visualized
  2. The comment box shows a grayed-out placeholder text relevant for the selected tab
  3. The submit button is enabled
3 Click on the Submit button
  1. Feedback is submitted without page refresh
  2. The relevant CTA is displayed
Specs: Hub  • Feature Requirements  • Technical Design  • Testing  • Extension Page
Metrics: Data and Metrics Plan  • Clicktracking  • Volume Analysis  • Quality Assessment
Tools:  • Open Bugs  • Recent Code Changes  • PDF Prototype
Community: MW talk page  • Ideas Log  • Wikipedia talk page