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Architecture meetings/RFC review 2015-09-16

From mediawiki.org

#wikimedia-office: RFC meeting


Meeting started by TimStarling at 21:00:36 UTC. The full logs are available at https://tools.wmflabs.org/meetbot/wikimedia-office/2015/wikimedia-office.2015-09-16-21.00.log.html .

Meeting summary

  • Increase the strictness of mediawiki SQL code and leverage database code blockers for scalability | Please note: Channel is logged and publicly posted (DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTE) | Logs: http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/logs/%23wikimedia-office/ (TimStarling, 21:01:03)
    • LINK: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T112637 (TimStarling, 21:02:55)
    • ACTION: Core is already in good shape; some extensions are not. We should create a report of incompatible extensions. (ori, 21:13:35)
    • TimStarling in favor of setting the mode in the session. $wgSQLMode is empty by default, which means by default, sql_mode is set to an empty string on connect. We should have an active migration period, where we review extensions and fix them, followed by setting the default $wgSQLMode to TRADITIONAL. (ori, 21:15:33)
    • I have no idea what this means. (domas, 21:16:37)
    • ACTION: Update MediaWiki-Vagrant, Beta Cluster and Jenkins to run with $wgSQLMode = 'TRADITIONAL'; (ori, 21:18:32)
    • ACTION: Make that $wgSQLMode = 'TRADITIONAL, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'; (ori, 21:20:19)
    • New tables without PKs will not be tolerated from now on. (ori, 21:26:51)
    • We need to be strict with queries, not just schemas. There are nondeterministic write queries running in production -- we know that this happens because now that it happens because we see slave drift on the labs slaves. They are not always easy to spot in code review. (ori, 21:34:49)
    • ACTION: TimStarling: Anyone who sees such a thing [i.e., nondeterministic write queries] should give -1 / -2 (depending on whether the issue is correctable). (ori, 21:35:25)
    • LINK: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sql-mode-strict (ori, 21:37:39)
    • ACTION: TimStarling and jynus to review https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/198661/ (Optionally log warnings generated by MySQL). (ori, 21:40:12)
    • ACTION: Once https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/198661/ is merged, Ori to deploy and monitor log volume. (ori, 21:44:15)
    • LINK: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T111371 (jynus, 21:46:27)
    • LINK: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T111371 (ori, 21:47:21)
    • ACTION: spagewmf to update MediaWiki documentation (ori, 21:49:30)
    • AGREED: RFC approved, assuming decisions from this meeting will be incorporated into the phabricator task (TimStarling, 21:55:28)

Meeting ended at 21:58:07 UTC.

Action items

  • Core is already in good shape; some extensions are not. We should create a report of incompatible extensions.
  • Update MediaWiki-Vagrant, Beta Cluster and Jenkins to run with $wgSQLMode = 'TRADITIONAL';
  • TimStarling: Anyone who sees such a thing [i.e., nondeterministic write queries] should give -1 / -2 (depending on whether the issue is correctable).
  • TimStarling and jynus to review https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/198661/ (Optionally log warnings generated by MySQL).
  • Once https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/198661/ is merged, Ori to deploy and monitor log volume.
  • spagewmf to update MediaWiki documentation

Action items, by person

  • jynus
  • ori
  • spagewmf
    • spagewmf to update MediaWiki documentation
  • TimStarling
    • TimStarling: Anyone who sees such a thing [i.e., nondeterministic write queries] should give -1 / -2 (depending on whether the issue is correctable).
    • TimStarling and jynus to review https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/198661/ (Optionally log warnings generated by MySQL).
    • Core is already in good shape; some extensions are not. We should create a report of incompatible extensions.
    • Update MediaWiki-Vagrant, Beta Cluster and Jenkins to run with $wgSQLMode = 'TRADITIONAL';
    • Make that $wgSQLMode = 'TRADITIONAL, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';

People present (lines said)

  • jynus (88)
  • ori (56)
  • TimStarling (50)
  • Krenair (21)
  • Krinkle (14)
  • robla (11)
  • domas (11)
  • spagewmf (10)
  • legoktm (7)
  • MaxSem (6)
  • wm-labs-meetbot` (3)
  • anomie (2)
  • matt_flaschen (1)
  • Scott_World_Univ (1)
  • chasemp (1)

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