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Architecture committee/2016-11-09

From mediawiki.org
The TechCom planning meeting is a weekly invite-only video discussion, generally held on Wednesday 13:00 USA Pacific Time.
See also TechCom-RFC workboard in Phabricator. (Private minutes)

Present: Daniel Kinzler, Tim Starling, Brion Vibber, Gabriel Wicke; Kevin Smith for the first half, Quim Gill for the second half.


  • Status update / round table:
    • Tim: Working on tidy replacement
    • Gabriel: Thumb API (phab:T66214), ServiceWorker experiments. Consider going back to sending status emails.
    • Daniel: Pushing for a DB scaling session at the DevSummit
  • Many stale tickets on the RFC board (phab:tag/mediawiki-rfcs). Should revise process, maybe just drop stale RFCs from the board.
  • Need to revive the RFC shepherding process; Shepherding board isn't being used (phab:project/board/1892/).
  • RFCs that had Robla as shepherd should go to needs-shepherd mode.
  • Consider recruiting a new ArchCom member
  • Consider splitting discussion about cross-wiki templates and Lua modules from the Shadow Namespaces RFC.
  • Tim to chair today's IRC meeting (Thumbnail API)
  • We will use next week's (November 16th) IRC meeting for an open triage session. ArchCom members should pick a few of their favorites to start the discussion.
  • ArchCom to look through DevSummit proposals, prioritize them (how? ArchCom tag, or maybe tokens...)
  • ArchCom should also help to avoid scheduling conflicts