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Architecture committee/2016-08-17

From mediawiki.org
The TechCom planning meeting is a weekly invite-only video discussion, generally held on Wednesday 13:00 USA Pacific Time.
See also TechCom-RFC workboard in Phabricator. (Private minutes)



Intro section


10 minutes (starting 21:00 UTC)

  • Action items
    • Last week
      • ACTION: Timo to mail wikitech-l and encourage further conversation about details of the oldimage schema changes (T589), and migration plan. (done)
      • ACTION: Rob to take T139300 shepherd role (done)
      • ACTION: Rob: make sure we spend a few minutes each week discussing WikiDev17
      • ACTION: Brion: catch up on "Notifications in core" (T128351) discussion
        • Rob will take this off the action item list
      • ACTION: Daniel to write email regarding T105652 (cc RobLa) (done)

RFC status update


20 minutes (starting 21:10 UTC)

Spend roughly 20 minutes ensuring Architecture committee/Status is up-to-date. Checklist of the questions we should answer:

  • Who is chairing the upcoming IRC meeting?
    • T105652  - Rob to chair
    • Pick an option
      • a. Implement this RFC as originally approved
      • b. Implement a modified proposal fully described by T142980, with one extra table but no new columns, to also cater to the needs of multi content revisions (T107595).
      • c. Start over (don't pick this one!)
  • Conclude last week's "final comment period"? Do we have anything that should enter "final comment"?
  • For each upcoming meeting, do we anticipate the RFC moving into "final comment"?
  • Picking an RFC for next week:
    • How does ArchCom-RfCs board look?
      • Inbox
        • Phab:T142803 Creating a spec for legacy wikitext / future wiki content processing model
          • Subbu filed this last week following our meeting
          • Rob possible assignee
          • Tim is shepherd
          • ACTION: Rob to talk to Subbu about assignee on T142803 (Rob thinking of volunteering)
          • ACTION: assignee to set priority on T142803
        • Phab:T69223 Schema change for page content language
          • Dereckson requested that have an IRC meeting soon about this one (in T69223#2539474)
          • Tim will shepherd
    • What is the most important thing each ArchCom member is shepherding? Anything blocked?
      • Brion Vibber.
        • TMH on Mobile (reviving the migration from Kaltura to VideoJS which enables use on MobileFrontend), should have this shuffled back off my agenda in a few weeks.
      • Daniel Kinzler
        • Today’s discussion prep
        • MCR
        • Backburner
          • Blob storage interface
      • Gabriel Wicke
        • API driven frontend: https://github.com/gwicke/node-serviceworker-proxy running basic serviceworker; initial page composition performance ~2k req/s
        • Future of PDF & collections
        • Protect sensitive user-related information with a UserData / auth / session service: Hoping to decide on storage backend.
      • Rob Lanphier.
      • Roan Kattouw...
      • Tim Starling
        • CScott is thinking about language converter issues; regularizing syntax; scoping issues
        • Language variant support
      • Timo Tijhof
        • T589 (oldimage migration): Details of schema change and migration path are being discussed. Leave comments on Phabricator.
        • T111588 (API-driven frontend): Working on prototype implementation.
    • Are responsibilities balanced well between ArchCom members?
    • Which RFCs are listed as "needs triage"?
    • Do we have an RFC selected for next week's meeting?
      • Daniel suggests:
        • Page language - Phab:T69223 Schema change for page content language
        • Shadow namespace: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T91162
      • Chosen: Page language - Phab:T69223 Schema change for page content language

Other business/planning


20 minutes (starting 21:30 UTC)

  • WikiDev17
  • Next week's ArchCom
  • ACTION: Rob: add language variant item to next weeks planning agenda