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Architecture committee/2016-05-25

From mediawiki.org
The TechCom planning meeting is a weekly invite-only video discussion, generally held on Wednesday 13:00 USA Pacific Time.
See also TechCom-RFC workboard in Phabricator. (Private minutes)

Agenda timeline

  • Intro
    • Agenda bashing and action item check 21:00 (5 minutes)
    • Last week+this week’s RfC office hour 21:05 (5 minutes)
  • RFC status update
    • RfC inbox triage 21:10 (10 minutes)
    • Shepherd assignments 21:20 (5 minutes)
    • Queue for future RfC office hours 21:25 (5 minutes)
  • Wrapup
    • Other business 21:30 (10 minutes)
    • Next week’s ArchCom agenda 21:40 (10 minutes)

Agenda details/Meeting summary

This section equates to the "meeting summary" section in the meeting note template. It's collaboratively edited during the meeting and serves as the official public notes of the meeting. Attendees: Fill in the important details in this section, but try to keep this concise and NPOV (easy way: use questions). Put any prep information in this section if appropriate

Intro section


RFC status update


20 minutes (starting 21:10 UTC)

Spend roughly 20 minutes ensuring Architecture committee/Status is up-to-date. Checklist of the questions we should answer:

  • Who is chairing the upcoming IRC meeting (E187)? RobLa probably should chair this one.
  • New inbox item: T135963 Add support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) headers in MediaWiki
    • Tim, Tim, Gabriel: needs a meeting
    • T135963 as next week’s candidate
  • How does the rest of the ArchCom-RfCs board look?
  • Shepherd roundtable:
    • Brion, Daniel, Roan
    • Gabriel
      • Busy with other work
    • RobLa
      • T135963 looks interesting to me (not shepherding though)
      • Make triage process work a little bit better.  I don’t have a specific item I can point to right now
    • Tim
      • Replacing Tidy should involve discussion with the community.  No new technical issues
    • Timo
      • Section anchors - will update
      • CSP - T135963 - Will shepherd
      • Local storage abstraction T121646 working with Fundraising on this to move cookies into local storage; not an RFC yet, but may become one.
  • Do we have anything read to enter "final comment period"?
  • Do we have a robust queue of RFCs to discuss at future IRC discussions?
    • Timo believes T135963 should be 2 weeks from now at the earliest (W23)
  • For each upcoming meeting, do we anticipate the RFC moving into "final comment"?
  • What is the most important thing each ArchCom member is shepherding? Anything blocked? Are responsibilities balanced well?

Other business/planning


20 minutes (starting 21:30 UTC)

  • Continue last week's conversation about ArchCom-RFC speed
    • Does “on track” make sense as a new column, or should we apply more scrutiny to the items “under discussion”?
    • What should we do with the conversations that are "not on track"? More agressively mark them as "stalled"?
    • What does it mean for something to be in the "Backlog" column?
    • ACTION: RobLa to make proposal
  • Use Conpherence rooms for proto working groups?
    • Z425 - public triage meeting
    • Security conpherence room still alive (though very restricted membership)
    • Should we suggest a public FESG Conpherence room?
    • What about watchlist collaboration?
    • Software quality working group?
    • Gabriel suggests content composition.
    • ACTION: Gabriel to start “content composition” working group
  • Next week's ArchCom

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