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Architecture committee/2016-04-27

From mediawiki.org
The TechCom planning meeting is a weekly invite-only video discussion, generally held on Wednesday 13:00 USA Pacific Time.
See also TechCom-RFC workboard in Phabricator. (Private minutes)

Agenda timeline

  • Intro
    • Agenda bashing and action item check 21:00 (5 minutes)
    • Last week+this week’s RfC office hour 21:05 (5 minutes)
  • RFC status update
    • RfC inbox triage 21:10 (10 minutes)
    • Shepherd assignments 21:20 (5 minutes)
    • Queue for future RfC office hours 21:25 (5 minutes)
  • Wrapup
    • Other business 21:30 (10 minutes)
    • Next week’s ArchCom agenda 21:40 (10 minutes)

Agenda details/Meeting summary

This section equates to the "meeting summary" section in the meeting note template. It's collaboratively edited during the meeting and serves as the official public notes of the meeting. Attendees: Fill in the important details in this section, but try to keep this concise and NPOV (easy way: use questions).  Put any prep information in this section if appropriate

Intro section

10 minutes (starting 21:00 UTC)
  • Action items
    • Last week
      • ACTION: RobLa: notices about Apr 27 and May 4 meetings (Phab:E66/32 and Phab:E66/33)
      • ACTION: RobLa: create the new #ArchCom-Approved tag, and put this list of tasks on the agenda for next week (T133803)
      • ACTION: Tim announce ArchCom chairperson (done)
  • Last week’s RfC office hour

RFC status update


20 minutes (starting 21:10 UTC)

Today's IRC session
Queue for future RfC office hours

Entering Final Comment Period


Nothing currently slated to go into final comment.

Under discussion

  • The inbox
    • T133462 standardize a way to make JS components be able to use different loaders
    • T133388 How to update JavaScript components
  • Around the table check-in with each of the ArchCom members
    • Absent: Brion, Roan, Timo
    • Daniel
      • Software Quality working group?
      • Working on Multi Content Rev Spec with Brion
    • Gabriel
    • RobLa
      • ACTION (RobLa): clearer meeting agenda next week  :-)
      • ACTION (RobLa): schedule an RFC triage meeting outside of ArchCom-RFC time
    • Tim
      • No update this week

No activity


Other business/planning


20 minutes (starting 21:30 UTC)

  • Retrospective meeting
  • Next week's ArchCom