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Architecture committee/2016-03-16

From mediawiki.org

(private notes/meeting prep)

Agenda timeline

  • Agenda bashing and action item check 21:00 (5 minutes)
  • Last week+this week’s RfC office hour 21:05 (5 minutes)
  • RfC inbox triage 21:10 (10 minutes)
  • Shepherd assignments 21:20 (5 minutes)
  • Queue for future RfC office hours 21:25 (5 minutes)
  • Other business 21:30 (10 minutes)
  • Next week’s ArchCom agenda 21:40 (10 minutes)

Meeting summary

  • Action items
    • Gabriel and RobLa - Discuss how to communicate priorities from ArchCom + real-time note conversations
      • Gabriel and RobLa discussed this after the 2016-03-09 meeting; we have some incremental improvements we try
    • David Strine in TPG is helping us figure this out.  He’s going to document his observations of our existing process, and update [[mw:Architecture_committee/Team_practices]]
      • David Strine and RobLa-WMF discussed/edited on Friday.
    • Should we have Rust-style working groups (Phab:T123606)?
      • Groups under discussion: Media, API
      • Relationship between Moderation working group (Phab:T126605) and Code of Conduct
  • Last week+this week’s RfC office hour
  • Weekly shepherding check-in
  • RfC triage
    • MediaWiki-RfCs board “Inbox” column
      • T129435 - RFC: drop support for running without mbstring
        • Gabriel agrees to shepherd
  • Queue for future RfC office hours:
    • 2016-03-23 RFC meeting scheduling (E66/27)
    • 2016-03-30 skip
    • 2016-04-06 RobLa to figure out
  • Other business 0:30 (10 minutes)
    • David Strine in TPG is helping us figure this out.  He’s going to document his observations of our existing process, and update [[mw:Architecture_committee/Team_practices]]
      • David Strine and RobLa-WMF discussed/edited on Friday.
    • Should we have Rust-style working groups (Phab:T123606)?
      • Groups under discussion: Media, API
    • Relationship between Moderation working group (Phab:T126605) and Code of Conduct

RFC status update


Query for assignment s

New RFCs:


T129435 RFC: drop support for running without mbstring (Gabriel): New, very focused RFC by Max, discussion started.

Upcoming IRC sessions:


T124792 Service Locator for MediaWiki core (Daniel): Introduce a service locator (aka DI container) to allow code in mediaWiki core to make use of the Dependency Injection (DI) and Service Locator (SL) patterns.

Under discussion:


T108655 Standardise on how to access/register JavaScript interfaces (Roan): Considering to split out contentious part (file-based require, or something like it; to support embedding libraries), move forward on less controversial part (basic module-name-based require infrastructure)

T18691 RFC: Section headings should have a clickable anchor (Timo): Reworking proposal with designers & Volker

T124504 Transition WikiDev '16 working areas into working groups (RobLa) Finding folks to fully assume ownership on following up from each session has been difficult

T128351 RfC: Notifications in core (Brion): Discussed last week, now clarifying interfaces & scope.

T66214 Use content hash based image / thumb URLs & define an official thumb API (Brion): Discussion last & this week.

T118517 [RFC Use <figure> for media] (Brion): Revisit soon.

T124752 [RFC Expiring watch list entries] (Daniel): Iterating on the design, discussion on the task.

T113034 RFC: Overhaul Interwiki map, unify with Sites and WikiMap (Daniel): Has been discussed before, needs somebody to actually take this on.

T114444 [RFC Introduce notion of DOM scopes in wikitext] (Tim)

Note from RobLa: I'm transitioning to a regime where more of the agenda/notes prep can happen on mediawiki.org. Per Good meetings#Note taking, it can be really difficult for a thorough note taker to redact something that wasn't intended for the public minutes, and the transcript is probably less useful for everyone than the summary. The summary takes a little post-meeting time to prepare.