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Architecture committee/2014-11-26

From mediawiki.org

People present: Brion, Daniel, Mark, Tim, Roan

Pending action items

  • brion: flesh out Graph rfc w/ Yuri
  • Tim to write RFC on merging enhanced recentchanges with normal RC
  • Tim to Import all RFCs into phabricator
    • Maybe 10% done?
  • Gather topics for Arch Summit
  • Mark will ask Toby about https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Media_file_request_counts
  • Mark will write email to Erik Z
  • Mark will ask Robla about agenda syncup
  • Brion will check in with Damon next week about misc stuff and try to syncup on agenda stuff as well
    • -> he says talk to Rachel about everything

RFCs to triage


RFC scheduling


This week


Next week


Other business


Rachel's email re dev summit: Ideally you can provide the following for 6 - 12 small(er) group topics: 1) Discussion topic 2) Time needed for topic 3) List of people mandatory to be present during the discussion Rob's mail:

   1.  "SOA, what does it mean, and how to we get there
   2.  "Visual Editor" 
   3. "Modernize MediaWiki Front end (in service of mobile)"
   4.  Future of the Architecture Committee.

New action items


Brion will put work on Graph RFC in Phabricator