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Architecture committee/2014-11-12

From mediawiki.org

People present: Mark, Daniel, Roan, Tim Apologies: Brion

Pending action items

  • brion: flesh out Graph rfc w/ Yuri
  • Tim to write RFC on merging enhanced recentchanges with normal RC
  • Tim to Import all RFCs into phabricator
  • Gather topics for Arch Summit
  • Mark to ask Rachel for registration data
    • DONE, see e-mail from Rachel

RFCs to triage


RFC scheduling


This week

  • Better PHP profiling
  • Ditch crappy API formats

Next week



Other business

  • Phabricator
  • RESTbase Hangout discussion next week


New action items


Mark will ask Toby about https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Media_file_request_counts