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Architecture Summit 2014/Storage services

From mediawiki.org





Big Questions

  • Can we develop high-level storage service interfaces? Can we implement them as scalable, replicated services? Can we scale them down to simple services for small installations?
  • If we change the API in incompatible ways, how do we maintain backwards compatibility with bots and other API users, or manage a migration in a sane way?



Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/storage_services

  • 3 minute lightning talk Storage Service -- slides
  • 20 minute discussion
  • 3 minute lightning talk DataStore -- slides
  • 20 minute discussion
  • 3 minute lightning talk API Versioning -- slides
  • 20 minute discussion



See Talk:Architecture Summit 2014/Storage services for the discussion at the summit.