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Configuración de Apache

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Apache configuration and the translation is 42% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Apache es el servidor web más usado con MediaWiki.



PHP como módulo de Apache

MediaWiki está escrito para utilizar PHP como módulo de Apache. Tu instalación de PHP probablemente ya está configurada como módulo si comienzas las URLs así:


Se puede comprobar cuál es la configuración y la versión disponible de PHP visitando la página Special:Version de tu wiki, o con phpinfo().

Install PHP, Apache, and the PHP module for Apache. Afterwards, make sure that the Apache service is running. For specific commands, refer to the documentation of your operating system or distribution.

PHP como CGI

Si PHP está funcionando como CGI, tendrás URLs «feas» de forma predeterminada, pero todavía podrás implementar URLs cortas.


Si tienes tu propio servidor con Apache y estás ejecutando PHP como CGI, puedes instalar CGIWrap. Esta herramienta te permite ejecutar el servidor Apache como un usuario distinto para los CGIs.

De esa forma, puedes crear un usuario nuevo para las páginas de MediaWiki. La instalación de CGIWrap está fuera del ámbito de este documento, especialmente si se tiene en cuenta que se debe compilar de acuerdo con las características de tu propio servidor. Sin embargo, como indicación, se pueden seguir las siguientes reglas:

  • Crea un usuario para Wikimedia
useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin wikiuser
  • Have a cgi-bin folder, containing CGIWrap (example in /home/myuser/cgi-bin). Once everything is configured, keep only cgiwrap, move the debug versions to another folder if you ever need it. Your cgiwrap file should be accessible only to Apache (chown and chmod accordingly).
chown apache:apache cgiwrap
chmod 500 cgiwrap
  • Inside the cgi-bin folder, create a symbolic link to the Wikimedia root.
ln -s /home/myuser/public_html/wiki /home/myuser/cgi-bin/wikilink
  • In your wiki's .htaccess file, add the following definitions:
AddHandler php-wrapper .php
Action php-wrapper /cgi-bin/cgiwrap/wikiuser/wikilink
  • Finally, chown and chmod all the .php files of your Wikimedia folder to be accessible solely by wikiuser.
find . -name \*.php -exec chown wikiuser:wikiuser {} \;
find . -name \*.php -exec chmod 500 {} \;

The files will be accessible as usual. You do not need to specify in your path any cgi-bin, as this is transparently taken care of for you.

I strongly suggest you start out with /cgi-bin/cgiwrapd/... as your php-wrapper, as it will precisely show what is currently working. I also strongly suggest you do not delete your CGIWrap source folder until everything works perfectly as this is a real trial and error process, taking a long time. However, it's all worth your time as your MediaWiki will be run in its own separate process, in its own uid, without being able to interfere any other uid. Inverse is also true, except for root, that can read anything anywhere.

mod_alias / mod_rewrite

El método recomendado para embellecer URLs es utilizar mod_alias. Otros métodos utilizan mod_rewrite en su lugar.


ModSecurity a veces da problemas con MediaWiki. Si obtienes errores de forma aparentemente aleatoria, comprueba el registro de errores para ver si está provocando problemas.

VisualEditor and Subpages

In order to prevent errors contacting the Parsoid server, AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode must be added to the wiki's VirtualHost config block (or to the general server config if VirtualHosts are not used).[1]

Thread stack size

The stack size for each Apache thread is configurable and the default varies on different operating systems. To run MediaWiki on Windows environments it may be necessary to increase the stack size (if there are problems), as the 1MB default is small and can cause stack overflows during PHP script execution. The following httpd.conf setting will set the stack size to about 8MB (about a typical Linux default):

<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608

Arañas y bots

You really should use a robots.txt file to tell well-behaved spiders not to download dynamically generated pages (edit pages, for instance). This can reduce the load on your webserver, preserve your bandwidth, and prevent duplicate content issues with search engines. However, malicious bots could tie up your webserver and waste your bandwidth by downloading a large volume of pages extremely quickly. Request throttling can help protect against this.

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