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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/stackoverflow-com-2011-election-results 2

From mediawiki.org



SecurePoll and OpenSTV agree on elected candidates.

Election setup

  • Candidates: 12
  • Seats: 4
  • Votes: 4890

Actual results latest


See https://vote.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:SecurePoll/tally/1199

Actual results archive


SecurePoll tally page (patch 27):


  1. "Candidate 5"
  2. "Candidate 6"
  3. "Candidate 9"
  4. "Candidate 10"


  • "Candidate 12"
  • "Candidate 1"
  • "Candidate 3"
  • "Candidate 8"
  • "Candidate 7"
  • "Candidate 4"
  • "Candidate 2"

Rounds table


[Will not paste successfully into VisualEditor]

Patch 17: Output from SecurePoll (var_dump( $this->tallier->resultsLog );): https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P16870



Output from OpenSTV: https://stackoverflow.com/election/2

Loading ballots from file stackoverflow-com-2011-election-results_2.blt.
Ballot file contains 12 candidates and 4890 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 4890 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Stack Overflow Moderator Election 2011 using Meek STV.
12 candidates running for 4 seats.

 R|Candidate 1   |Candidate 2   |Candidate 3   |Candidate 4   |Candidate 5   
  |Candidate 6   |Candidate 7   |Candidate 8   |Candidate 9   |Candidate 10  
  |Candidate 11  |Candidate 12  |Exhausted     |Surplus       |Threshold     
 1|    185.000000|    429.000000|    203.000000|    420.000000|    751.000000
  |    584.000000|    207.000000|    211.000000|    609.000000|    554.000000
  |    587.000000|    150.000000|      0.000000|      0.000000|    978.000001
  | Count of first choices.
 2|    191.000000|    439.000000|    206.000000|    429.000000|    774.000000
  |    612.000000|    213.000000|    214.000000|    616.000000|    576.000000
  |    602.000000|              |     18.000000|      0.000000|    974.400001
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 12 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 3|              |    465.000000|    216.000000|    445.000000|    799.000000
  |    627.000000|    222.000000|    229.000000|    631.000000|    600.000000
  |    615.000000|              |     41.000000|      0.000000|    969.800001
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 1 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 4|              |    483.000000|              |    454.000000|    834.000000
  |    642.000000|    245.000000|    242.000000|    663.000000|    630.000000
  |    632.000000|              |     65.000000|      0.000000|    965.000001
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 3 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 5|              |    511.000000|              |    476.000000|    870.000000
  |    659.000000|    258.000000|              |    691.000000|    657.000000
  |    654.000000|              |    114.000000|      0.000000|    955.200001
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 8 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 6|              |    548.000000|              |    503.000000|    906.000000
  |    681.000000|              |              |    718.000000|    686.000000
  |    675.000000|              |    173.000000|      0.000000|    943.400001
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 7 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 7|              |    603.000000|              |              |    993.000000
  |    784.000000|              |              |    766.000000|    733.000000
  |    721.000000|              |    290.000000|     72.999999|    920.000001
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 4 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated. Candidate Candidate 5 has reached the
  | threshold and is elected.
 8|              |              |              |              |   1111.000000
  |    864.000000|              |              |    851.000000|    823.000000
  |    772.000000|              |    469.000000|    226.799999|    884.200001
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 2 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 9|              |              |              |              |    884.200460
  |    895.437560|              |              |    882.437560|    858.928640
  |    802.008580|              |    566.987200|     68.267897|    864.602561
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 5, 0.795860. Candidates Candidate
  | 6 and Candidate 9 have reached the threshold and are elected.
10|              |              |              |              |    869.709465
  |    870.469613|              |              |    872.699485|    870.001548
  |    811.346377|              |    595.773512|     47.498919|    858.845298
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 5, 0.778221; Candidate 6,
  | 0.965565; and Candidate 9, 0.979789. Candidate Candidate 10 has reached
  | the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Candidate 5, Candidate 6, Candidate 9, and Candidate 10.




  • Where you tested: local docker using phpunit
  • Latest version of SecurePoll tested: 3.0.0 (3007c40) 06:36, 26 August 2021