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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/irish 2002 general election dublin west

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SecurePoll agrees on elected candidates with OpenSTV and the real-life results of the election.

Note that I have removed the names of the candidates, but the candidates are in alphabetical order based on surname (1. Bonnie, 2. Burton, 3. Ryan, 4. Higgins, 5. Lenihan, 6. McDonald, 7. Morrissey, 8. Smyth, 9. Terry).

Election setup

  • Candidates: 9
  • Seats: 3
  • Votes: 29988

Actual results latest


Output from SecurePoll tally.php: /actual

Output from SecurePoll var_export( ->tallier->resultsLog );: https://github.com/dominic998/SecurePoll-Test-Data/blob/main/test_data/dublin_west.blt.php

SecurePoll tally page: I have not been able to upload this election to beta.

Actual archive results





Output from the real-life election: [1]

Output from OpenSTV:

Loading ballots from file dublin_west.blt.
Ballot file contains 9 candidates and 29988 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 29988 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for ElectionTitle using Meek STV.
9 candidates running for 3 seats.

 R|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          
  |7          |8          |9          |Exhausted  |Surplus    |Threshold  
 1| 748.000000|3810.000000|2300.000000|6442.000000|8086.000000|2404.000000
  |2370.000000| 134.000000|3694.000000|   0.000000| 588.999999|7497.000001
  | Count of first choices. Candidate 5 has reached the threshold and is
  | elected.
 2|           |4008.000000|2350.000000|6652.000000|8173.000000|2493.000000
  |2473.000000|           |3779.000000|  60.000000| 690.999999|7482.000001
  | Count after eliminating 1 and 8 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 3|           |4074.453156|2701.711360|6732.234154|7482.005542|2522.760192
  |2556.108718|           |3831.080336|  87.646542|   6.917177|7475.088365
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 5, 0.915454.
 4|           |4344.695008|2938.847860|7800.647864|7765.796282|           
  |2651.674202|           |3968.785808| 517.552976| 831.220632|7367.611757
  | Count after eliminating 6 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated. Candidate 4 has reached the threshold and
  | is elected.
 5|           |4534.076896|3182.812860|7415.675621|7442.825032|           
  |2734.689645|           |4049.056384| 628.863562| 178.932433|7339.784110
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 4, 0.944488 and 5, 0.868515.
 6|           |5066.713667|3506.539897|7714.737899|8151.576037|           
  |           |           |4724.955770| 823.476730|1284.052300|7291.130818
  | Count after eliminating 7 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 7|           |5335.323894|4026.476837|7395.800489|7359.826489|           
  |           |           |4878.389305| 992.182986| 257.718470|7248.954254
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 4, 0.892628 and 5, 0.776839.
 8|           |6010.518134|           |7946.901522|8732.367849|           
  |           |           |5347.003536|1951.208959|2660.873849|7009.197761
  | Count after eliminating 3 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 9|           |6835.951168|           |7328.183841|7143.709078|           
  |           |           |5865.060226|2815.095687| 928.165850|6793.226079
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 4, 0.787302 and 5, 0.623545. Candidate 2
  | has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are 2, 4, and 5.




  • Where you tested: local docker
  • Version of SecurePoll: 3.0.0 (3007c40) 06:36, 26 August 2021