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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/20 6 5100 1090197746

From mediawiki.org



SecurePoll and OpenSTV agree on elected candidates.

Election setup

  • Candidates: 20
  • Seats: 6
  • Votes: 5100



Output from SecurePoll tally.php: Actual CLI

Output from SecurePoll var_export( $this->tallier->resultsLog );: 20_6_5100_1090197746/actual

SecurePoll tally page: https://vote.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:SecurePoll/tally/975

Actual results archive




Loading ballots from file 20_6_5100_1090197746.blt.
Ballot file contains 20 candidates and 5100 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 5100 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for ElectionTitle using Meek STV.
20 candidates running for 6 seats.

 R|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          
  |7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         
  |13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         
  |19         |20         |Exhausted  |Surplus    |Threshold  
 1|1275.000000|1275.000000|1275.000000|1274.000000|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|2184.714284| 728.571429
  | Count of first choices. Candidates 1, 2, 3, and 4 have reached the
  | threshold and are elected.
 2| 728.571975| 728.571975| 728.571975| 728.572572|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|2184.711503|1248.409353| 416.469786
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.571429; 2, 0.571429; 3, 0.571429;
  | and 4, 0.571878.
 3| 416.469825| 416.469825| 416.469825| 416.470600|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|3433.119925| 713.377171| 238.125726
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.326643; 2, 0.326643; 3, 0.326643;
  | and 4, 0.326900.
 4| 238.126650| 238.126650| 238.126650| 238.125888|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4146.494162| 407.645358| 136.215120
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.186766; 2, 0.186766; 3, 0.186766;
  | and 4, 0.186912.
 5| 136.215900| 136.215900| 136.215900| 136.216080|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4554.136220| 232.941616|  77.980541
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.106836; 2, 0.106836; 3, 0.106836;
  | and 4, 0.106920.
 6|  77.981550|  77.981550|  77.981550|  77.981540|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4787.073810| 133.111222|  44.703742
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.061162; 2, 0.061162; 3, 0.061162;
  | and 4, 0.061210.
 7|  44.704050|  44.704050|  44.704050|  44.704660|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4920.183190|  76.064346|  25.688116
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.035062; 2, 0.035062; 3, 0.035062;
  | and 4, 0.035090.
 8|  25.688700|  25.688700|  25.688700|  25.688936|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4996.244964|  43.466440|  14.822149
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.020148; 2, 0.020148; 3, 0.020148;
  | and 4, 0.020164.
 9|  14.823150|  14.823150|  14.823150|  14.822990|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5039.707560|  24.839616|   8.613206
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.011626; 2, 0.011626; 3, 0.011626;
  | and 4, 0.011635.
10|   8.613900|   8.613900|   8.613900|   8.613514|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5064.544786|  14.195090|   5.065031
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.006756; 2, 0.006756; 3, 0.006756;
  | and 4, 0.006761.
11|   5.065575|   5.065575|   5.065575|   5.065424|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5078.737851|   8.112349|   3.037450
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.003973; 2, 0.003973; 3, 0.003973;
  | and 4, 0.003976.
12|   3.038325|   3.038325|   3.038325|   3.038490|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5086.846535|   4.637197|   1.879067
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.002383; 2, 0.002383; 3, 0.002383;
  | and 4, 0.002385.
13|   1.879350|   1.879350|   1.879350|   1.879150|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5091.482800|   2.650228|   1.216743
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.001474; 2, 0.001474; 3, 0.001474;
  | and 4, 0.001475.
14|   1.217625|   1.217625|   1.217625|   1.217944|   1.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5094.129181|   1.677374|   0.838689
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.000955; 2, 0.000955; 3, 0.000955;
  | and 4, 0.000956. Candidate 5 has reached the threshold and is elected.
15|   0.838950|   0.838950|   0.838950|   0.839566|   0.838689|   0.161311
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5095.643584|   1.083375|   0.622346
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.000658; 2, 0.000658; 3, 0.000658; 4,
  | 0.000659; and 5, 0.838689.
16|   0.623475|   0.623475|   0.623475|   0.622986|   0.622346|   0.377654
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5096.506589|   0.620462|   0.499059
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.000489; 2, 0.000489; 3, 0.000489; 4,
  | 0.000489; and 5, 0.622346.
17|   0.499800|   0.499800|   0.499800|   0.499408|   0.499059|   0.500941
  |           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |5097.001192|   0.428396|   0.428402
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.000392; 2, 0.000392; 3, 0.000392; 4,
  | 0.000392; and 5, 0.499059. Candidate 6 has reached the threshold and
  | is elected.

Winners are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.




  • Where you tested: local docker
  • Latest version of SecurePoll: 3.0.0 (f06e679) 21:48, 24 August 2021.