Analytics/Server Admin Log/Archive/2013
July 25
[edit]- 14:44 ottomata: reinstalled analytics1017 and brought it back up as a new datanode
July 24
[edit]- 20:38 ottomata: taking analytics1017 down for reinstall
July 22
[edit]- 18:44 ottomata: decomissioning analytics1017 datanode in prep for reinstall
May 20
[edit]- 15:54 ottomata: rebooted gadolinium to upgrade linux kernel
- 14:00 ottomata: stopping hadoop and restarting analytics1010 (namenode) for kernel upgrade
May 16
[edit]- 16:52 ottomata: rebooting stat1 for kernel upgrade
- 15:47 ottomata: rebooting analytics1027 (hue, oozie, etc.)
May 14
[edit]- 18:42 ottomata: deployed puppet change to make nginx send webrequest logs back to main multicast firehose. NOTE: These logs are not sent to the udp2log instance on emery.
- 18:02 ottomata: submitted a new webrequest-loss coordinator to work on the webrequest-mobile (geocoded and anonymized) dataset, rather than the soon to be deprecated webrequest-wikipedia-mobile
May 13
[edit]- 18:54 ottomata: analytics1009 now sending geocoded anonymized mobile logs to kafka topic webrequest-mobile, this is consumed to /wmf/raw/webrequest/webrequest-mobile every 15 minutes
April 25
[edit]- 20:44 ottomata: starting hadoop
- 20:34 ottomata: stopping hadoop to make config changes: 512 -> 200, 100 -> 10, jvm.reuse â1 -> 1
April 18
[edit]- 20:41 ottomata: resourcemanager has not come back online after last restart, working on it...
- 20:17 ottomata: restarting hadoop to load jar from
April 12
[edit]- 17:44 ori-l-away: pressing left mouse button + space on stat1
April 10
[edit]- 21:10 andrewbogott: testing logbot on a new host
March 14
[edit]- 00:45 ottomata: upgraded to cdh4 4.2.0Â :)Â :/
- 00:41 average_drifter: started charting for each feature on stat1 (500M bump related)
- 00:40 ottomata: restarting hadoop without mapred.job.tracker set to localhost:8021
March 12
[edit]- 23:29 ottomata: restarting hadoop with mapreduce.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks set to 1
February 2
[edit]- 20:44 milimetric: Limn production build can now be done automatically via coke build && coke bundle
February 1
[edit]- 23:50 andrewbogott: testing number two
- 23:32 andrewbogott: testing number one
January 31
[edit]- 22:47 ottomata: deployed tab as separator to all frontend cache servers, modified udp2log server filters to DEAL WITH IT!
- 21:15 drdee: deployed version 0.3.22 of udp-filter on emery, locke and oxygen. This version accept field-delimiter flag.
- 21:12 ottomata: hiii
- 17:45 milimetric: Released version 0.6.0 of Limn
January 30
[edit]- 22:33 milimetric: The new version of Limn is now rendering Evan Rosen's awesome dashboard:
January 28
[edit]- 20:10 ottomata: Modified webrequest-mobile udp2log filters to produce based on frontend server hostname (^cp104[1-4]) rather than domain.
January 27
[edit]- 23:10 drdee: enabled sampling on Thank_You_Main and a country filter on Emery
January 25
[edit]- 16:57 ottomata: now collecting X-CS logs into kraken
January 24
[edit]- 21:55 milimetric: Limn released a new version to dev with bar graph support
January 18
[edit]- 22:37 drdee: yesterday, deployed updated filter for webstatscollector to collect page view counts for
January 16
[edit]- 15:37 ottomata: deployed new webstatscollector filter to collect stats on wikivoyage domains and restarted udp2log on locke
January 10
[edit]- 15:06 ottomata: restart analytics udp2log instances. I had to kill all udp2log processes manually before restarting.
- 14:46 ottomata: stopping udp2log on analytics1005 to investigate
- 01:56 milimetric: Limn just released a new version to production! Head over to and check it out. For a peek at hourly mobile pageview data, check:
January 4
[edit]- 23:35 milimetric: Limn deployed a new version to dev, now with maps by dschoon:
January 2
[edit]- 22:16 ottomata: changed log formats to include Accept-Language and X-Carrier on all frontend cache servers