Analytics/Roadmap/PlanningMeetings/2013 02 27 Reflection
Reflecting on the Meeting for Reflecting on our Weekly Status
[edit]- dsc volunteers to help put together a stakeholder feedback survey; ez will help construct a community feedback survey as well
- ez: we should make sure our process collects feedback from the editor and research communities
Review of Improvement Idea Inbox
[edit]Cynefin categories reminder:
- Simple: obvious to all
- Complicated: requires analysis or some other form of investigation
- Complex: can only be perceived in retrospect, but not in advance
- Chaotic: no relationship between cause and effect at systems level
#1: Improve business solutioning elements of analytics delivery
- Many elements of delivering on this:
- visioning with an eye toward integrated solution delivery
- planning for incremental releases
- gathering concrete requirements, communicating them clearly and explicitly, and managing expections
- Vote: do
- Domain:
- Diederik: complex
- Kraig: complex
- EZachte: complicated / complex
- otto: complex
- dsc: complex
- dan: complicated
#3: Improve discipline of work prioritization & scheduling
- dsc: Is this focused on improving the view of feature-work, or task-work? (This also relates to the management tools question.)
- K: primarily organizing/prioritizing, clarifying, and scheduling feature work (as seen from stakeholders)
- ez: re: prioritization. We have production bugs that have gone unfixed. this can't just be about new fewture development!
- K: we'll talk more about this with the work service levels card later
- Vote: do
- Domain:
- dan: complicated
- dsc: complicated
- otto: ditto
- drdee: complicated
#4: Introduce Lean management practices for leadership roles
- Not 6 sigma oriented (which focuses on routine processes)
- drdee: let's not experiment with too many things at once.
- dsc: totally agreed. finite bandwidth -- code must be written.
- Vote: do
- Domain:
- dsc: complicated