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Age classification/gn

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Age classification and the translation is 12% complete.


Storing the age-de.xml file in the root directory of the domain concerned is trivial.

Less trivial is the entry of meta data into the HTML structure:

<meta name="age-de-meta-label" content="age=0 hash: YourDigitalCode v=1.0 kind=sl protocol=all"/>

The following HTML snippet is inserted for example in the Skin Vector in the function getTemplateData of the class SkinVector or in the Skin MonoBook in the function setupSkinUserCss of the class SkinMonoBook:

	global $wgAgeClassificationMetaName, $wgAgeClassificationMetaContent;
	if ( !empty( $wgAgeClassificationMetaName ) AND !empty( $wgAgeClassificationMetaContent ) ) {
		$out->addMeta( $wgAgeClassificationMetaName, $wgAgeClassificationMetaContent );

Las variables globales $wgAgeClassificationMetaName y $wgAgeClassificationMetaContent se establecen en LocalSettings.php según las especificaciones de - en Alemania - "altersklassifizierung.de".altersklassifizierung.de

See also