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Admin tools development/status

From mediawiki.org

Last update on: 2014-09-monthly


Chris Steipp has been generally tasked with working on features related to spam blocking and other disruptive behavior blocking, working with Tim Starling's guidance. Chris Steipp, Andrew Garrett, Tim Starling, James Forrester, and Rob Lanphier met to discuss the scope of this work, charting a broad list of feature requests that are in-scope for this activity, and attempted an initial prioritization of the most important items. We're seeking a volunteer Product Manager to help manage this work.


Chris Steipp has been generally tasked with working on features related to spam blocking and other disruptive behavior blocking, with Tim Starling's guidance. Chris Steipp, Andrew Garrett, Tim Starling, James Forrester, and Rob Lanphier met to discuss the scope of this work, charting a broad list of feature requests, and attempted an initial prioritization of the most important items. Jack Phoenix has volunteered to act as a Product Manager to help manage this work.


Chris Steipp added two new major features to the AbuseFilter extension, global rules and global throttling. Code review was done by Tim Starling and the changesets were merged successfully. These features will allow the creation of filters that apply to all Wikimedia wikis, which is effective for stopping cross-wiki spambots. Jack Phoenix released the Phalanx extension and began working on making it suitable for deployment on Wikimedia servers. During the rest of 2012, the team will work on through their roadmap: CentralAuth mass account locking, improving, stabilizing and reviewing Phalanx, and evaluating the effectiveness of the current CAPTCHA system and possible replacements for it.


The team gathered requirements for Shared User Login (SUL) finalization projects. Chris Steipp worked some more on global AbuseFilter in order to get the feature deployed to the wikis. In October the team will be focusing on SUL finalization projects as well as writing an interface for stewards to mass-lock user accounts.


The team made some progress on writing an interface for Stewards to mass-lock user accounts, but spent most of their time on Wikidata ahead of its launch, and the Wikivoyage migration.


The team's work continued on writing an interface for Stewards to mass-lock user accounts and on being able to use AbuseFilter extension across all wikis at once.


The initial code was committed for interface for Stewards to mass-lock user accounts. For global AbuseFilters, a permission for global rule-writing was merged and the initial code for using WikiSets in the rules was written. Initial code committed for renaming CentralAuth user accounts.


The team mainly focused this month on improving the AbuseFilter extension, which is now working on the Wikidata site after support was added for other content types (as defined using ContentHandler). There was some significant work done on blocking abusive proxies and abuse limits, and some additional progress made on global AbuseFilters, user renaming and the interface for Stewards to mass-lock user accounts.


The team worked on a number of areas this month. The interface for Stewards to mass-lock user accounts was completed and will be deployed very soon next month. The support for global AbuseFilters nears completion, with a test deployment to test.wikipedia.org and mediawiki.org; once internationalisation is more complete, it will be deployed for all wikis. The team worked to agree a specification for a global CheckUser tool. Progress was made on a global account renaming tool and XFF-based global and local blocks. The team also worked on finalising the migration to Single User Login, building some metrics to ascertain a sense of the problem.


We've implemented improved support for blocking users coming in through proxies with GlobalBlocking. Continuing work on identifying accounts that have not been merged with Single User Login, with the goal of merging those accounts starting in April.


This month the team mostly worked on Single User Login finalisation, after which all user accounts will be global across all of Wikimedia's public wikis, allowing for cross-wiki notifications and better tools for editors. This will require all user accounts to be uniquely named and not conflict with other accounts. The global account renaming tool neared initial completion, and the global and local blocking based on XFF was finished and deployed. Work on designing a global CheckUser tool was postponed due to lack of resources.


This month the team worked on Single User Login finalisation, which will mean that all user accounts will be global across all of Wikimedia's public wikis, and so allowing for cross-wiki notifications and better tools for editors. This will require all user accounts to be uniquely named and not conflict with other accounts. Some more work was done on the global account renaming tool. The team attended the Wikimedia Hackathon 2013 in Amsterdam where we discussed issues with admin tools and plans for the future with a number of volunteer developers.


In June, the team worked on making the last changes to enable global AbuseFilter rules, and on the global account renaming tool. Some additional work was done on Single User Login finalisation, which will mean that all user accounts will be global across all of Wikimedia's public wikis, and so allowing for cross-wiki notifications and better tools for editors.


This activity was on hiatus in July.


This activity was on hiatus in August.


Although this activity is still officially on hold, several bug fixes were committed this month by community members. The GSoC project to implement a simple Bayesian Filter extension was successfully completed.


This activity is still officially on hold. However, some development of the global rename user tool is under way at gerrit:92468.


This activity is still officially on hold. However, progress on the global rename user tool continued, as well as implementing global CSS/JS.


The team made several small improvements, including log entries, the addition of global groups to Special:CentralAuth, and the addition of global edit count to Special:MultiLock.


This project is on hold, so there have been no significant developments, although some patches have been contributed by volunteer developers.


While this workstream is still officially on hold, the related Global CSS/JS extension to provide per-user global modules was deployed to beta labs for testing. Additionally, patches were contributed by volunteer developers.


Minor improvements were made to admin tools projects including having global blocks shown on Special:Contributions (bug 52673). Code review also continued on the global rename user tool.


Work on this project is currently being completed along with the SUL finalisation project, including the global rename tool (bug 14862) and cleaning up the CentralAuth database (bug 66535).


Most admin tools resources are currently diverted towards SUL finalisation, which will greatly help in reducing the admin tools backlog. July saw the deployment of the global rename tool (bug 14862), and core fixes including the creation of the "viewsuppressed" userright (bug 20476).


Most admin tools resources are currently directed towards SUL finalisation. There was a roundtable at Wikimania with developers and admins/tool users discussing some issues they've had, and feature requests they would like to see implemented.

The GlobalCssJs extension was deployed to all public Wikimedia wikis, allowing for proper user global CSS and JS.


The majority of admin tools resources are currently diverted towards the SUL finalisation project. In September, minor UX enhancements were applied to the Special:CentralAuth page.