Account creation user experience/Strings/Experiment
There are various classes of strings that account creation might display:
- hardcoded English in the JavaScript that "munges" the form into the new appearance
- the huge chunk of text in the new benefits section. This is currently hardcoded in the JavaScript, may be movable to a MediaWiki: message
- error messages from the existing form that appear when you submit
- messages ACUX shows on validation
- other internal text
Hardcoded English in the JS
[edit]Do we have to worry about these for the test?
Messages ACUX shows on validation
[edit]Existing MW messages
[edit]MW has messages similar to what we want, or we can have our own variations.
Reusing from UserLogin form itself
'password-name-match' => 'Your password must be different from your username.', 'badretype' => 'The passwords you entered do not match.', 'noname' => 'You have not specified a valid username.',
Reusing these messages from Special:ChangeEmail form
'email-address-validity-valid' => 'E-mail address appears valid', 'email-address-validity-invalid' => 'Enter a valid e-mail address',
Reusing error returned by User.php
'passwordtooshort' => 'Passwords must be at least $1 characters.',
Reusing from somewhere
'userexists' => 'Username entered already in use.
too wordy? Extension:SignupAPI is just "User exists"
New messages needed
[edit]Rejected messages
[edit]While validating the username, the server API could tell us what the username will be, e.g. "steven" -> "Steven". I can inform the user with something like
'Username OK, will be Steven'
- We decided not to show this info to user.
When user tabs out of username field without entering anything and it goes red
"Username required" or "Username cannot be blank"Â ? or just "*"Â ?
- there is a generic
'htmlform-required' => 'This value is required',
- We decided to do nothing, the form placeholder text "Enter a desired username" is enough.
When blank name is submitted for validation (should never happen?)
'signupapi-noname' => 'No username was specified',
- just reuse "Username required" from above?
Messages from extensions
[edit]Extensions reject many usernames at account creation. The main way they do so is by hooking into AbortNewAccount ( 23 extensions do so someone please make a list of which of these are in use on enwiki). Many return an arbitrarily long and complex HTML message containing links and lists. These seem incompatible with a tooltip, unclear what to show, whether to have a shorter tooltip message, where the longer message goes, etc. Here are a few of these messages
[edit]'antispoof-conflict-top' => 'The name "$1" is too similar to the following $2 accounts:', ... ... ... 'antispoof-conflict-bottom' => 'Please choose another name.',
[edit]'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' =>
'The user name "$2" has been banned from creation. It matches the following blacklist entry: $1
enwiki message is much longer, en:MediaWiki:Titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account
Other internal text
[edit]'Invalid value for user parameter name'
- comes from MW API when name does not look like a name (fails Title::makeTitleSafe). Not localized.
- I propose not showing API failure messages to user, and just a generic "I <error code="baduser_name" info="Invalid value for user parameter name" nvalid username"
Testing for these strings
[edit]- See also Account creation user experience/Strings/Testing and Account creation user experience/Strings/Usernames
You can generate the API messages by invoking the wiki's API in a URL
- Password too short
- name in use
- bad name (starts with #, note have to encode this in URL)
- bad name (# in middle)
- bad name (@ in it)
- bad name
- OK name
- OK password